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紐時摘譯:機器人接管地球 言之過早


Fears of a Robot Takeover Are Likely Premature
機器人接管地球 言之過早
By John Markoff

In glossy sci-fi movies like “Ex Machina” and “Chappie,” robots move with impressive – and frequently malevolent – dexterity. They appear to confirm the worst fears of prominent technologists and scientists like Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates, who have voiced alarm over the possible emergence of self-aware machines out to do harm to the human race.

Not so fast. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a United States Pentagon research arm, recently held its Robotics Challenge in Pomona, California, with a $2 million prize for the robot that performs best in a series of tasks. A preview of their work suggests that nobody needs to worry about a Terminator creating havoc anytime soon. The robots have an hour to complete eight tasks that would take a human less than 10 minutes, like opening a door and entering a room.

“The extraordinary thing that has happened in the last five years is that we have seemed to make extraordinary progress in machine perception,” said Gill Pratt, the Darpa program manager in charge of the Robotics Challenge.

Advance in pattern recognition hardware and software has made it possible for computers to make dramatic progress in computer vision and understanding speech, he said. In contrast, Dr. Pratt said, little headway has been made in “cognition,” the higher-level humanlike processes required for true autonomy. “Without the person, these machines could hardly do anything at all,” he said.

In fact, the steep challenge in making progress toward mobile robots that can mimic human capabilities is causing robotics researchers worldwide to rethink their goals. Instead of trying to build autonomous robots, many have begun to think instead of creating ensembles of humans and robots.

Ken Goldberg, a University of California, Berkeley, roboticist, proposed a concept he calls “multiplicity,” with diverse groups of humans and machines solving problems through collaboration.

Artificial-intelligence researchers have long noted that the simplest tasks for humans are the most challenging for machines.

“The intuitive idea is that the more money you spend on a robot, the more autonomy you will be able to design into it,” said Rodney Brooks, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology roboticist and co-founder of iRobot and Rethink Robotics. “The fact is actually the opposite is true: The cheaper the robot, the more autonomy it has.”
「眾人的直覺是,在機器人身上投入的資金越多,可在它們身上設計出來的自主性就越高,」麻省理工學院機器人學家、同時也是iRobotRethink Robotics這兩家公司共同創辦人的羅德尼.布魯克斯說。「事實恰好相反:越便宜的機器人自主性越高。」

For example, iRobot’s Roomba robot is autonomous, but the vacuuming task it performs is extremely simple. But the company’s Packbot is more expensive, designed for defusing bombs, and must be controlled wirelessly by people.

The first Darpa challenge in 2004 of robotic vehicles helped spark greater interest in artificial intelligence. And in the 2005 challenge, a $2 million prize was claimed by a group from Stanford University in California, whose vehicle defeated another in a tight race. The contest led to Google’s decision to begin a self-driving-car project.


“We had a relatively easy task,” said Sebastian Thrun, who led the Stanford team in 2005 and later started the Google self-driving-car project. “Today they’re doing the hard stuff.”

His view about the relationship between humans and robots has been shaped by the contests.

“I’m a big believer that technology progresses by complementing people rather than replacing them,” he said.


2015-06-16聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 張佑生 原文參見紐時週報十版下

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