A View Into Medicine’s Roots Through an Ancient Text
By Mark Schrope
The first time Grigory Kessel held the ancient manuscript, which has animal-hide pages more than 1,000 years old, it seemed oddly familiar.
A Syriac scholar at Philipps University in Marburg, Germany, Dr. Kessel was sitting in the library of the manuscript’s owner, a wealthy collector in Baltimore. Dr. Kessel realized that just three weeks earlier, in a library at Harvard University, he had seen a single orphaned page that was similar to these pages.
The manuscript he held contained a hidden translation of an ancient, influential medical text by Galen of Pergamon, a Greco-Roman physician and philosopher who died in 200 A.D. It was missing pages and Dr. Kessel was suddenly convinced one of them was in Boston.
Dr. Kessel’s realization in February 2013 marked the beginning of a global hunt for the other lost leaves, a search that culminated in May with the digitization of the final rediscovered page in Paris.
Scholars are just beginning to pore over the text, the oldest known copy of Galen’s “On the Mixtures and Powers of Simple Drugs.” It may well provide new insights into medicine’s roots and into the spread of this new science across the ancient world.
The manuscript is a palimpsest: older text covered up by newer writing. It was a common practice centuries ago, a medieval form of recycling. In this case, 11th-century Syrian scribes had scraped away Galen’s medical text and had overwritten hymns on the parchment.
For centuries, Galen’s “Simple Drugs” was required reading for aspiring physicians, the summation of ancient knowledge about medicine, patient care and pharmaceutical plants. Galen described a root that cures “roughness of the throat” and recommended hemp as an earache remedy that “does not produce flatulence” (though it “dries out the semen”).
Much of “Simple Drugs” was eventually translated into Syriac, a form of Aramaic used by Middle Eastern Christian communities. The text of the manuscript in Baltimore, most likely from the ninth century A.D., is a copy of the first Syriac translation, itself painstakingly completed in the sixth century A.D. by Sergius of Reshaina, a Syriac physician and priest.
“Simple Drugs” was an 11-book treatise. Sergius’s translations were copied and recopied for centuries. Little is known of the history of the Baltimore manuscript, formally known as the Syriac Galen Palimpsest, from its recycling in the 11th century until the 1920s, when it was sold to a collector in Germany. The manuscript fell again from public view until 2002, when it was purchased by another collector. He has not been identified.
In 2009, the Galen Palimpsest was lent to the Walters Art Museum for spectral imaging that would reveal the erased Galen text. Each page is photographed at extremely high resolution with varying colors and configurations of light, which in various ways illuminate the inks, grooves from writing and parchment itself. Computer algorithms exploit these variations to maximize the visibility of the undertext.
The resulting images went online to be studied by scholars like Dr. Kessel, who eventually arranged to see the Galen Palimpsest firsthand.
The Harvard leaf did fill one of the gaps in the Galen Palimpsest. Six more were missing. He found one in a catalog from the St. Catherine’s monastery in the Sinai Desert in Egypt. Another leaf turned up at the National Library of France in Paris. At the Vatican’s library in Rome, he found three other leaves. The seventh missing page is believed to have been blank.
No one knew how much of ”Simple Drugs” might be hidden in the Galen Palimpsest. The only other known Syriac copy resides at the British Library in London and includes only Books 6 to 8. The full text of “Simple Drugs” is known to scholars, but only from more recent translations in languages other than Syriac. As texts went through multiple rounds of copying, they underwent significant changes. The Galen Palimpsest could offer telling insights into how the ancient Greeks treated the ill.
“The Galenic system is completely bonkers,” said Siam Bhayro, a specialist in early Jewish studies at the University of Exeter in England. Still, it was the best thinking available in an era in which the very idea of medical science was relatively new.
“It’s likely to be a central text once it’s fully deciphered,” said Peter Pormann, a Graeco-Arabic expert at the University of Manchester in England. “We might discover things we really can’t dream of yet.”
Little of Galen’s advice would stand up to modern scrutiny. Like other ancient physicians, he believed health was controlled by four “humors” in the body.
2015-06-16聯合報/G5版/UNITED DAILY NEWS 李京倫譯 原文參見紐時週報十版上