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紐時摘譯:忙碌科技族 喝的健康餐


For Busy Tech Workers, A Healthy Meal in a Glass
忙碌科技族 喝的健康餐
By Brian X. Chen

SAN FRANCISCO – Every night, Aaron Melocik, a software developer, follows a precise food routine. He blends together about 2 liters of water, 50 milliliters of macadamia nut oil and a 450-gram bag of powder called Schmoylent. Then he pours the beige beverage into jars and chills them before bringing the containers to work the next day at Metrodigi, a technology start-up.

From 6:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., he sips from one jar for breakfast, and another for lunch. “It just removes food completely from my morning equation up until about 7 p.m.,” said Mr. Melocik, 34.

Boom times in Silicon Valley call for hard work, and hard work – at least in technology land – means that coders, engineers and venture capitalists are turning to liquid meals with names like Schmoylent, Soylent, Schmilk and People Chow. The protein-packed products that come in powder form are inexpensive and quick and easy to make – just shake with water, or in the case of Schmilk, milk.

Demand for some of the powdered drinks, which typically mix nutrients like magnesium, zinc and vitamins, is so high that some engineers report being put on waiting lists of one to six months to receive their first orders. Venture capitalists have also poured money into the companies that offer the meal replacements, and investors including Alexis Ohanian, a founder of Reddit, can online forum, count themselves as fans of the drinks.

“My dream in an ideal scenario would be if I could just pick up some at the airport, pre-made in the refrigerator section,” said Mr. Ohanian, who invested in Soylent and treats the drink as a fallback meal.

The rise of the meal replacements mirrors Silicon Valley’s start-up froth – and includes a dose of confidence. The makers said their drinks were better than the powders that had been around for years, because those tended to have lots of sugar and overemphasized the use of protein. In contrast, Soylent and Schmoylent are both blends of nutrients that would allow one to drink only those meals and live a healthy life, they said.

Rob Rhinehart, a software engineer, said he came up with the idea for Soylent in 2013 while working long hours at a wireless communications company and realizing he was eating poorly. So he founded Soylent, based in Los Angeles, that year and gained more than $3 million in funding from the crowdsourcing site Tilt.
軟體工程師羅伯.萊恩哈特說,2013年他在無線通訊公司工作,工時長且發現自己吃得很差,靈機一動,他想到生產Soylent。因此他在洛杉磯設立 Soylent,那一年,他還從群眾外包網站Tilt募集到逾300萬美元資金。

Orders took off quickly. The company said it had shipped more than the equivalent of six million “meals” across the United States. Mr. Rhinehart declined to share financial details but said his company was shipping “at the kiloton scale” each quarter and had attracted $24.5 million in financing.

Soylent, Schmilk and some others typically taste like bland, gritty pancake batter. But while a meal generally costs upward of $50 at Silicon Valley-area restaurants, a week’s worth of Soylent or Schmoylent totals $85.

When Pulak Mittal started working at the tech start-up Clever this year, the company let his colleagues know he was an avid Soylent user. Soon after, Mr. Mittal said, some co-workers approached him to ask whether they could try some. Still the new drinks are acquired tastes.

“I am getting sick of the taste,” Dan Sparks, a co-worker, recently told Mr. Mittal. “I am thinking I’ll have to start flavoring it.”



2015-06-16聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 王麗娟 原文參見紐時週報八版下

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