Inaccurate Witness Show the Power of False Memory
By Jim Dwyer
On a morning, Anthony O’Grady, 26, stood in front of a Dunkin’ Donuts in Manhattan. He heard a ruckus, some shouts, then saw a police officer chase a man into the street and shoot him down. Moments later, Mr. O’Grady said the wounded man was in fleeing when he was shot.
日前某個早晨,26歲的安東尼.歐葛雷迪站在Dunkin’ Donuts甜甜圈店的曼哈坦門市前,有人吼叫,接著看見一名警察追逐一名男子到街上後,開槍擊倒對方。
Sunny Khalsa, 41, had been riding her bicycle when she saw police officers and the man. She was shaken by the encounter. “I saw a man who was handcuffed being shot,” Ms. Khalsa said. “And I am sorry, maybe I am crazy, but that is what I saw.”
That afternoon, the New York Police Department released a surveillance videotape that showed that both Mr. O’Grady and Ms. Khalsa were wrong.
The man who was shot had not been trying to get away from the officers; he was actually chasing an officer from the sidewalk onto the street, swinging a hammer at her head. Behind both was the officer’s partner, who shot the man, David Baril. Ms. Khalsa did not see Mr. Baril being shot while in handcuffs; he is, as the video and still photographs show, freely swinging the hammer, then lying on the ground with his arms at his side. He was handcuffed a few moments later.
Studies of memories of traumatic events consistently show how common it is for errors to creep into confidently recalled accounts. “It’s pretty normal,” said Deryn Strange, an associate psychology professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York.
In one study, Dr. Strange showed people a film of a car accident in which five people, including a baby, were killed. The film was edited to remove segments of the accident. Then she tested the subjects 24 hours later on what they recalled. People were able to accurately describe what they had, in fact, seen, Dr. Strange said, but a significant number – 36 percent – also professed to have strong memories of parts of the crash that had actually not been shown to them.
A leading researcher in the field of witness memory, Elizabeth Loftus of the University of California, Irvine, said there was ample evidence that people found ways to plug holes in their recollections. “Often they fill it with their own expectations, and certainly what they may hear from others,” she said.
These are not the statements of people who are lying. False memories can be as persuasive as genuine ones, Dr. Loftus said.
“I feel totally embarrassed,” Ms. Khalsa said after having seen the video. She now believes that she saw the initial encounter and then looked away. In that moment, the man began the attack, which lasted about three seconds until he was shot. She said, “In my mind I assumed he was just standing there passively, and now is on the ground in handcuffs.”
“With all of the accounts in the news of police officers in shootings, I assumed that police were taking advantage of someone who was easily discriminated against,” she added. “Based on what I saw, I assumed the worst. Even though I had looked away.”
2015-06-02聯合報/G5版/UNITED DAILY NEWS 張佑生譯 原文參見紐時週報十版下