Russia’s Entry Into the Smartphone Market Is Slow to Catch On
By Neil MacFarquhar
MOSCOW – Few people looking to buy a smartphone would think about a Russian model, but the makers of the YotaPhone aspire to change that.
The start-up’s quest to break into the global market for cellphones got a boost from President Vladimir V. Putin, who has renewed a push to make innovation the next big thing for Russia. The idea of an “innovative Russian consumer gadget” tends to provoke jokes.
After throwing off the yoke of Soviet central planning, Russia failed to translate its wealth of scientific and engineering talent into marketable products.
Dmitri A. Medvedev, the president between Mr. Putin’s two times in office, championed a $4 billion project to cultivate a Russian Silicon Valley. Starting in 2009, a graduate technological research university and a state-backed innovation foundation were established. It never blossomed, and Mr. Putin has shown scant interest in the project.
Last year, however, he resurrected innovation as a key objective after the crisis in Ukraine prompted Western economic sanctions. Mr. Putin has said that the current tensions will wean Russia from Western goods and technology.
The phone’s creator, Vladislav Martynov, 45, had been working abroad when a friend lured him back to Moscow in 2008 with the idea of building a better smartphone. While inspired by gifted Russian software developers, Mr. Martynov subscribed to a main tenet of globalization: Few products emerge from one country alone. “Today, there is no nationality when you create a globally competitive product in the high-tech sector,” he said.
The YotaPhone project’s roughly 100 employees include software engineers in Russia, Finnish hardware designers and multinational engineers who established the production line in Singapore.
The YotaPhone prototype introduced in 2012 impressed international tech conferences with its novel two-screen design, with one face acting like a standard smartphone and the other like an e-reader. The second screen supports various functions without draining the battery, such as keeping a boarding pass handy.
In April, Mr. Martynov introduced a white version of the YotaPhone 2, hoping to create the kind of cachet – and sales – that has proved elusive, even in Russia. The loudest applause greeted his introduction of a line of colorful rubber bumpers. Previously, dropping a YotaPhone often meant breaking it.
今年4月,馬帝諾夫推出YotaPhone 2的白色版,希望創造名聲及銷售量,而這已證明十分不易,即使在俄國。當他推出一系列彩色橡膠手機殼時,獲得最大掌聲。此前摔落YotaPhone通常就會摔壞。
That underscored a critical problem hindering new Russian products: Developers tend to work in isolation. Mr. Martynov appealed for developers to create applications for the second screen. There are now roughly 40, he said, compared to the million or so for the iPhone.
Many experts trace the problems with innovation to the Soviet Union. The attitude that change starts with an order from the top persists. Finding investors locally is not easy. Private venture capitalism is deemed too risky, and failure is considered an unacceptable outcome for anything funded by the government.
“In general, Russians are very skeptical about themselves and their ability to create something good,” Mr. Martynov said.
2015-06-02聯合報/G9版/UNITED DAILY NEWS 莊蕙嘉譯 原文參見紐時週報七版下