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紐時摘譯:走出健身房 鍛鍊真體魄


To Get Really Fit, Get Out of the Gym
走出健身房 鍛鍊真體魄
By Tara Parker-Pope

The author Christopher McDougall helped make barefoot running mainstream with his best-selling book “Born to Run,” a tale about a tribe of endurance runners and an annual 80-kilometer footrace in the mountains of Mexico.

Now Mr. McDougall returns with another tale, “Natural Born Heroes: How a Band of Misfits Mastered the Lost Secrets of Strength and Endurance,” that he hopes will again upend the fitness world, this time by getting people out of the sterile gym environment to run, jump, throw and climb outdoors. Here’s an edited version of our conversation.

Q. Where did the idea for this book come from?

A. It came out of “Born to Run,” but by accident. I was researching indigenous and ancient runners, and I came across a reference to the Cretan runner. He was a foot messenger during World War II. I found this whole other fascinating story about people doing these superhuman feats on foot, behind enemy lines, running 40 to 100 miles [60 to 160 kilometers] at a time on a starvation diet.

Q. Achieving that level of fitness seems so unattainable. Is there a lesson here for a regular person?

A. In reality, the classic Greek ideal of a hero was a common person. It was a virtue, a responsibility, that every person should be able to develop these natural, very attainable skills to be reliable in a crisis.

Q. What are the skills of a natural-born hero?

A. It’s about developing your natural abilities so you have dexterity for throwing, climbing or crawling. Strength is about using that natural elastic recoil in our body to tap into these latent reservoirs of strength. They are there; we just don’t use them.

Q. Why do you think people have lost these natural abilities for throwing and climbing?

A. At age 5 or 6, we stick kids in a class and say: “Sit there. Don’t move until 3 p.m. and then go home and do homework.” We take these physical animals and turn them into sedentary animals. Most recreational sports are created by men for men, and they use male attributes like body strength. But the real skills, the human skills, are the ones where the differences between men and women are the slimmest. Humans have great dexterity and adaptability. Some of the greatest rock climbers in the world are women.

Q. So how should people change their exercise habits in the modern world?

A. Add things to your workout that you don’t think you can do. Try to climb a rope. Walk on all fours. Get outside and do things you’re not expecting.

Q. Why is an outdoor workout better than a workout in a gym?

A. In a gym, you’re on a padded seat, strapped in and isolating one muscle. All of the uncertainty in the range of motion has been stripped away. In the real world when you move, you don’t isolate one muscle. We have been trying the stationary machine model for 40 years, and it’s failed. It’s based on body building. Size was never the goal of the hunter gatherer. You never wanted to be big; you wanted to be mobile and agile.

Q. So what kind of training do you do now?

A. I’ve become infatuated by Parkour. People think it’s daredeviltry on rooftops, but it’s about learning how to shift our body weight and using parts of your body you tend to ignore. I also take my runs off of trails and into creek beds. That uncertain footing allows you to work on agility and nimbleness. An immediate benefit is that it focuses you on the present.


2015-05-05聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 張佑生 原文參見紐時週報十一版下

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