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Exporting Europe’s Stagnation
By Paul Krugman

Watch that plunging euro! Actually, it’s good news for Europe. European growth numbers have been better lately, and the weak euro — which makes EZ manufacturing and other tradables more competitive — is surely a large part of the explanation. Not so good for Japan or the US. But how should we think about this?

It’s more or less standard international macro that with high capital mobility and floating exchange rates, demand shocks in any one country or region will be “shared” with other countries. If you have exceptionally strong demand, your currency will rise, crimping your own growth while boosting growth abroad; if you have exceptionally weak demand, you will get partial compensation via a weaker currency that helps net exports. Such effects can be offset with interest rate changes if you’re not at the zero almost lower bound, but we are.

But how much of a demand shock is shared? I argued about a month ago that it depends on the extent to which the shock is perceived as temporary versus permanent. In an idealized world permanent shocks should be fully shared — that is, permanently weak demand in Europe should hurt the United States just as much as it does Europe.

So, can we say anything about how the recent move in the euro fits into this story? One way, I’d suggest, is to ask how much of the move can be explained by changes in the real interest differential with the United States. US real 10-year rates are about the same as they were in the spring of 2014; German real rates at similar maturities (which I use as the comparable safe asset) have fallen from about 0 to minus 0.9. If people expected the euro/dollar rate to return to long-term normal a decade from now, this would imply a 9 percent decline right now.

What we actually see is almost three times that move, suggesting that the main driver here is the perception of permanent, or at any rate very long term European weakness. And that’s a situation in which Europe’s weakness will be largely shared with the rest of the world — Europe will have its fall cushioned by trade surpluses, but the rest of us will be dragged down by the counterpart deficits.

Now, this is not how most analysts approach the problem. They make a forecast for the exchange rate, then run this through some set of trade elasticities to get the effects on trade and hence on GDP. Such estimates currently indicate that the dollar will be a moderate-sized drag on US recovery, but no more. What the economic logic says, however, is that if that’s really true, the dollar will just keep heading higher until the drag gets less moderate.









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