Cyprus Believes Europe’s Handling of Crisis Has Left Scars
By Jack Ewing
NICOSIA, Cyprus – The financial world has moved on since Cyprus was briefly the epicenter of market anxiety.
Two years ago, the country’s banks failed en masse, the integrity of the eurozone hung in the balance. After a contentious, internationally brokered “bail-in,’’ in which many bank depositors were forced to help pay for a eurozone rescue, Europe’s policy makers soon found other things to focus on.
Yet Christos Savvides, managing director of an advertising agency in Nicosia, does not have the luxury of forgetting. Daily reminders include the rows of downtown shops that once sold luxury clothing brands but now stand empty. He lost hundreds of thousands of euros that he had deposited in Cyprus banks – money seized in the rescue program to cover bank losses.
In retrospect, it is clear that European leaders, international creditors and bank regulators could have done more to limit the economic upheaval caused by seizing portions of depositors’ money above the level of 100,000 euros covered by deposit insurance, roughly $105,000. In fact, a new European Union law written after the crisis would probably have exempted Mr. Savvides, since the deposits in his case actually belonged to his clients.
One surprising lesson may be that capital controls – restrictions on withdrawals and on money transfers out of the country – were not as disruptive as feared, but did help prevent even more money from leaving Cyprus. If anything, some economists say, the restrictions should have been applied sooner, before many of the biggest and most sophisticated investors fled. More recently, foreign money has been trickling back into Cyprus.
有件事或許是個意外的教訓,那就是資金管制-限制提款和把錢轉移到 國外-並未如原先擔心的那麼具破壞性,卻確實有助於防止更多錢流出塞浦路斯。若有什麼缺失,一些經濟學家說,便是資金管制應該更早實施,趕在許多最大戶和最精明的投資人跑掉之前。最近,國外資金已慢慢回流。
Cyprus represents what many Europeans see as insensitivity in Brussels, Frankfurt and Berlin toward the people like Mr. Savvides who must suffer the consequences of eurozone crisis management. Among Cypriots, the feeling is widespread that as a country of fewer than one million people, geographically closer to the Middle East than to Europe and with a reputation as a haven for Russian cash, they were used as lab rats to test new and poorly conceived policies.
“It was an experiment,” said Antonis Paschalides, a former government minister who is suing the European Commission and the European Central Bank on behalf of those who say their deposits were seized illegally.
The parallels with Greece are not perfect. The Greek economy is more than 10 times the size of Cyprus’s. And banking played a far bigger role in the Cypriot economy – with assets valued at six times gross domestic product before the crash.
Unemployment is still above 16 percent. The economy shrank 0.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2014, compared with the previous quarter, the worst performance in the European Union.
And more than half the outstanding bank loans in Cyprus are classified as nonperforming – a huge obstacle to growth.
John Hourican, chief executive of Bank of Cyprus, the largest commercial bank and one of the few left standing, conceded that the level of damaged loans was high. He said that he empathized with Cypriots who believe they were treated poorly by European Union institutions.
Account holders at Bank of Cyprus lost almost half their money above the €100,000 level, receiving stock in the bank as compensation. Those shares have since plummeted in value.
“In every other country in the European Union without exception this has not been allowed to occur,” he said. “It has caused a psychological scar.”
European officials argue that if depositors in Cyprus had not been forced to pay, taxpayers would have had to pay instead.
The news from Nicosia is not all bad.
At Bank of Cyprus, deposits rose in the fourth quarter, reversing an outflow that began before the 2013 crisis. And the last remaining restrictions on transfers of money outside of Cyprus will be lifted soon, said Chrystalla Georghadji, the governor of the central bank.
Among Cypriots there is profound unease about what will happen when new legislation gives banks more power to go after debtors. Based on Europe’s ham-handed handling of the bail-in, few people expect anyone outside Cyprus to care.
“We feel bitter,” said Christos Phokas, a former bank worker. “Instead of helping us, they acted like they didn’t know us.”
2015-04-14聯合報/G9版/UNITED DAILY NEWS 田思怡譯 原文參見紐時週報七版上