Contest Gives Poetry a Nudge in Ireland
By Douglas Dalby
DUBLIN – Since the days of the bards, when poets served as aides-de-camp to medieval chieftains here, Ireland has built a reputation as a birthing ground for legend and verse.
“Bards were the Mad Men of their day – they were the Madison Avenue spin doctors and makers of political fables for their leaders,” said Declan Kiberd, a professor of Irish studies at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana.
Like the church and the farm, though, poetry holds a lesser place in Irish society today, despite the legacy of Yeats and a love for Seamus Heaney, the Nobel laureate whose 2013 funeral was broadcast live on Irish television. So, to rekindle interest, RTE, the national broadcaster, run a contest to find Ireland’s best-loved poem written in the past 100 years.
The winner was announced by the president of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins: “When all the others were away at Mass” by Heaney, relating a quiet moment when he and she peeled potatoes:
I remembered her head bent towards my head,
Her breath in mine, our fluent dipping knives –
Never closer the whole rest of our lives.
To the organizers of the contest, declaring a winner was not as important as creating a national conversation about poetry. RTE received 445 nominations from the public and enlisted a jury to cull a shortlist of 10 for the vote.
“The jury’s brief was to choose those poems that told a story of Ireland over the past century,” said Sarah Ryder, executive producer of arts at the network.
In Bellaghy, near Heaney’s birthplace, a visitors center is being built to honor the poet. “We suffered a chasmic blow” when Heaney died, said Peter Fallon, the founder of Gallery Press, the foremost Irish poetry publishing house, “but people are writing extraordinary poems, and I have faith in the art form.”
在鄰近希尼家鄉的貝拉希村,紀念他的遊客中心正在建造。愛爾蘭首屈一指的詩集出版社Gallery Press創辦人彼得.費倫說,希尼去世「讓我們大受打擊,不過人們持續寫出很棒的詩,我對這門藝術充滿信心。」
Like arts organizations that depend on government grants, Gallery Press has suffered since economic austerity took hold in 2008. Support for the arts, culture and film fell to 75.9 million euros in 2014, from 92.3 million euros (about $97.6 million) in 2011.
就像其他依賴政府補助的藝術組織,Gallery Press自2008年經濟緊縮措施推出起也深受影響。藝術補助金2011年為9230萬歐元(約美元9760萬元),2014年已降至7590萬歐元。
“I think in many ways we have rolled over too easily and accepted the cuts,” said Maureen Kennelly, director of Poetry Ireland, which promotes that art form. She supported the competition as an awareness-raising exercise even if, she said, “most poets probably wouldn’t agree with the idea of poetry as competition.”
Mr. Fallon was mildly critical. “I wouldn’t favor these kinds of things, but I am trying to play ball,” he said. “It will probably gain us more publicity in the short term even if my engagement is with the long term.”
He added: “Immediate responses to current affairs may be articulated by journalists, but these are fireworks as against the slow burn of poetry, and I would rather take my heat from the slow burn.”
2015-04-07聯合報/G9版/UNITED DAILY NEWS 莊蕙嘉譯 原文參見紐時週報十二版下