Soaring Dollar Hurts Emerging Economies
美元飆 新興經濟體受害
By Neil Irwin
In India, a leading electric utility, Jaiprakash Power Ventures, is selling off facilities and negotiating with lenders to avoid a default, having increasing its debts thirtyfold in six years. In China, one of the country’s largest real estate developers, the Kaisa Group, is threatening to pay only 2.4 cents on the dollar to its creditors. And in Brazil, bankruptcies among sugar producers have been driven not just by falling sugar prices, but by debts they owe in dollars.
The soaring value of the American dollar is threatening emerging economies where companies have taken on trillions’ worth of dollar-based debt in recent years.
The dollar rally has been driven by decisions by the Federal Reserve, whose actions are having outsize, often unpredictable, effect across the globe, owing to the dollar’s central role in the global financial system. Years of low-interest-rate policies from the Fed have encouraged companies in these fast-growing economies to borrow dollars because they could do it more cheaply than if they took out loans in their local currencies, like the Indian rupee or Brazilian real. So they did. By September 2014 there were $9.2 trillion of such dollar loans outside the United States, up 50 percent since 2009, according to the Bank for International Settlements.
The dollar is up 25 percent against a basket of commonly used international currencies.
“Now that the dollar has strengthened and rates are on the rise, it presents a risk and a challenge to many emerging markets in that their debts have become more onerous, more burdensome,” said Hung Tran, an executive managing director at the Institute of International Finance, an association of global banks. “The challenge for authorities in emerging market countries is to understand to what degree their corporate sector is naked or exposed.”
Companies in emerging markets that are primarily exporters might be O.K., because their revenue is in dollars, and so it should keep pace with rising debt service obligations. But for those focused domestically, like real estate developers or electric utilities, a more expensive dollar can make it much more costly to service debts.
Hyun Song Shin, who heads research at the Bank for International Settlements, argues that a rising dollar has an effect of tightening the supply of money across the global economy. A Malaysian company doing business with a South Korean company will frequently carry out transactions in dollars.
Dollars will now be available on more stringent terms. Clearly, decisions made by Janet Yellen, the Fed chairwoman, and her Washington colleagues can have a big effect on transactions even when no American companies are involved.
In some economists’ ears, that creates echoes of the crises that crushed East Asian economies in the late 1990s and Latin American economies in the early 2000s. The biggest difference is that private companies, not governments, have incurred debt in a currency not their own.
The rising dollar and falling emerging-market currencies cut both ways. As companies that gorged on dollar debt run into trouble, falling currency values make exporters more competitive on global markets.
The International Monetary Fund projects that emerging economies worldwide will grow 4.3 percent this year, compared with 2.4 percent for the advanced economies.
As Raghuram Rajan, the Reserve Bank of India’s governor, told Bloomberg Television, “Borrowing in dollars is like playing Russian roulette, especially if you’re borrowing relatively short term.”
2015-04-07聯合報/G5版/UNITED DAILY NEWS 王麗娟譯 原文參見紐時週報八版右