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紐時摘譯:大陸作風官僚 民眾怨聲載道


Anger Over China’s Bureaucracy
大陸作風官僚 民眾怨聲載道
By Dan Levin

BEIJINGChina’s bureaucracy has long been a bewildering maze of “relevant departments,” official red-ink seals and stone-faced functionaries.

Supplicants ricochet from one government office to another, sometimes across the country, in their quest for the permits needed to get through daily life.

To get a license plate for a new car, for example, a resident of Beijing must win a pass in a lottery in which the odds of success are less than 1 percent. Women often obtain permits allowing them to give birth after they wed, but they usually expire after two years. Unmarried women are ineligible for them. Just starting a new job and registering for public benefits can mean amassing a small mountain of documents.

As its ranks grow, China’s middle class – wired, ambitious and worldly – is increasingly unwilling to tolerate such obstacles, the vestiges of a capricious Mao-era bureaucracy that still holds sway .

For many educated city dwellers, it is this system, more than censorship and propaganda, that serves as a grinding reminder of the Communist Party’s dominion over their lives.

“The government isn’t there to make our lives easier,” said Daisy Li, a media producer who has applied nine times for a passport for her daughter, whose father is Scottish. “They’ve set up all those rules so the people are easier to control.”

Analysts say such frustrations feed public discontent at a time when the party is trying to bolster its appeal by combating corruption and vowing to ease the constraints on small businesses. President Xi Jinping motto for cutting through bureaucracy in government is: “Deal with it instantly.”

Keeping the middle class happy, China’s leaders have come to realize, is vital for the party’s long-term survival. Concerns about potential social unrest starting within the urban elite are not far-fetched.

Aware of the public’s mounting exasperation, the government has gradually eased some restrictions. Yet, like recent changes to the country’s one-child policy, they come with additional reams of paperwork. One well-traveled joke suggests that approval for a second child takes so long to obtain that couples should begin applying before they conceive – or else the baby might arrive first.

Minxin Pei, an expert on Chinese politics at Claremont McKenna College in California, described the nation’s bureaucracy as a time-tested mechanism for control that functions as “an unmovable layer insulating the top leader from popular pressure.”

“In China, after you go through the red tape, you often don’t get an outcome or an explanation,” he said. “The system is designed to allow bureaucrats to do nothing and get away with it,” he said.

The head-spinning tangle of regulations infuriates many ordinary Chinese. At the heart of their ire is the hukou, or family registration, an onerous system akin to an internal passport that often tethers services like public education, subsidized health care and pensions to the birthplace of a Chinese citizen’s parents – even if he or she never lived there.

Created in the 1950s and designed to restrict the flow of rural villagers into large cities, the hukou system has become widely detested in recent years. Hundreds of millions of migrants have flocked to work in China’s booming metropolises, and critics say the system makes them second-class citizens and subjects them to widespread discrimination in schooling, housing and employment.

One recent afternoon, Li Ying, 39, sat in a fluorescent-lit Beijing government office, waiting for her number to be called so she could apply for a temporary residence permit that would allow her 6-year-old son to enroll in school.

Although Ms. Li moved to Beijing with her parents as a child in 1981, her hukou is registered in a distant town, meaning her son will be shut out of the city’s public schools without the permit.

Among the 14 required documents, Ms. Li must provide her hukou certificate, proof of residence, a diploma, a job contract, a marriage license, her husband’s identity card, his hukou, a certificate proving that she has only one child and a company document detailing her work performance and tax payments.

“What a headache,” she said. “Red tape is good for the government but not for us Chinese people.”



2015-03-31聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 張佑生 原文參見紐時週報八版

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