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紐時摘譯:Photoshop 求變迎接挑戰
2015/03/19 07:11 瀏覽675|回應0推薦0


Photoshop at 25: Adapting For a Broader Audience
By Farhad Manjoo

Adobe Photoshop recently celebrated its 25th birthday. The image-editing program was created when we snapped pictures on film and put them on paper, and it has not just survived but thrived through every major transition since: the rise of the web, the decline of print publishing, the rise and fall of home printing and the supernova of digital photography.

Along the way, Photoshop attained the rare status of a product that became a verb – like Google and Xerox. But now, for all its cultural cachet, Photoshop risks missing out on a far larger market of casual photo bugs and their smartphones. Once we Photoshopped photos. Now we Instagram or Snapchat them, and everyone, it seems, is a photo editor. But not everyone needs or even wants a fancy program like Photoshop.
一路走來,Photoshop贏得商品動詞化的傑出地位,好比Google(意指網路搜尋)和Xerox(意指影印)。但是現在相較於它的文化地位,Photoshop正冒著錯失更大市場的風險,也就是智慧手機中的簡單影像編輯軟體。我們曾經用Photoshop修照片,現在我們用Instagram Snapchat編輯它們。似乎每個人都是影像編輯專家,但卻並非每個人都需要或想要Photoshop這樣的高檔軟體。

So Adobe is taking a big risk and reinventing Photoshop and, the company hopes, making it less dependent on sales to a small group of professional customers.

The aggressive reinvention could serve as a model for other companies, particularly Microsoft, that risk losing business to more nimble app makers. It also suggests a path to mobile devices for software that over the years grew fatter as PCs grew more powerful: Slice it up, cut the price, and you could end up attracting a far wider audience.

Adobe’s new plan started in 2011. Rather than selling licensed copies of Photoshop and its other high-end creative applications for hundreds of dollars each (Photoshop used to sell for $700 a copy), Adobe began offering access for as little as $10 a month.

The price change was initially met with fury from loyalists, who didn’t like the idea of renting rather than buying. Because subscription revenue comes in over time, the change also took a toll on Adobe’s bottom line. Its annual net income declined 65 percent in 2013, and it fell 13 percent last year.

But the company sees the decline as the short-term cost of a long-term plan. By lowering the price of Photoshop, Adobe hopes to democratize access, gaining new users who, in the past, wouldn’t have been able to afford $700 software.

The trend looks promising. Adobe now has 3.5 million subscribers to its Creative Cloud suite of apps (which includes Photoshop), and it expects to have nearly six million by the end of this year. Annual revenue generated by those subscriptions will approach $3 billion. It’s on track to beat the record $3.4 billion that Adobe made from selling boxed software in 2011.

Low-end photo editing apps are becoming popular – fast. Adobe may not be reacting quickly enough to them. Still, the company is forging ahead.

Adobe also has plans to break up Photoshop into a number of apps, some of which it will make itself. Others will be made by third-party developers who will have access to Adobe’s image-processing systems online.

David Wadhwani, the executive in charge of Adobe’s creative software, said, “The goal is to go from tens of millions of people benefiting from the technology within Photoshop to hundreds of millions of people over the years.”


2015-03-17聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 莊蕙嘉 原文參見紐時週報八版

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