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紐時摘譯:好萊塢老江湖 喪失觀影樂趣


Veterans of Hollywood Grow Immune to Movies’ Magic
好萊塢老江湖 喪失觀影樂趣
By Peter Mehlman

LOS ANGELES – The first mistake, ordering tickets a day in advance, left 24 hours for the second: telling anyone in this town you’re seeing “The Judge.”

“Oh ...” a friend says.


“No. Just that someone who dated the script supervisor – or dialogue coach, I forget – told me the script was rewritten like 41,000 times.”

The tickets aren’t refundable. You love Robert Duvall, and once met Robert Downey Jr. at Starbucks during his drug-using days and he could not have been cooler, so –

Maybe 20 minutes into “The Judge,” the dialogue veers wildly, and the writing voice jumps into a variety of genres. An hour in, you think, Wow, they brought in a S.W.A.T. team to rewrite this.

Back home, an email awaits from a friend on Eastern Standard Time. “Saw ‘The Judge.’ Loved it!”

Envy. That’s what you feel toward your friend. He can still easily enjoy a movie. But working in Los Angeles has ruined any chance at pleasure when going to a movie.

Before moving here, I loved the movies. The sheer joy of rapt focus on a story in the dark.

Well, so much for that. Five, 10, 20 years in L.A., and you suffer the -itis or -osis of knowing too much. You know all about script structure, studio notes, budget overruns, star troubles, fired directors. It’s like you’ve seen the movie before its release.

I vividly remember the moment my cinema innocence ended. Year 3 of show business employment on an aisle seat in Westwood, amid killer Jack Nicholson acting and whip-smart Aaron Sorkin dialogue in a movie I actually liked, a rogue thought arose: Boy, this movie should have been called “A Few Good Close-ups.”
我清楚記得觀賞電影的純真歲月結束的那一刻。入行的第三年,坐在西木區(譯註:西木區是洛杉磯地區最精華的地段,很多好萊塢電影的首映會在這兒舉行)靠走道的戲院座位上,播放的電影我很喜歡,裡面有超迷人傑克尼柯遜的演技,和聰明絕頂的亞倫索金編寫的對白,我生出了個歪念頭:哇,這部電影應該叫做《幾個好特寫》(譯註:作者提到的電影是1992年的好萊塢電影A Few Good Men,中文譯名為《軍官與魔鬼》)。

It was the kind of involuntary thought that infuses Hollywood movie viewing, the kind of low-impact cynicism that signaled the end of leaving myself behind in a movie. Permanent antennas grew out of my head, signal catchers that beep at the first blip of ham-handed exposition, in-your-face character development or feel-emotion-now screen tricks.

But this is L.A. You have to keep going to the movies. You can’t just stop and exclude yourself from every conversation in every part of the city.

Before “Gravity” came out, I met the nice guy whose company did the special effects. Huh, maybe I’ll enjoy the visual majesty.

The theater lights barely dimmed when a tethered George Clooney floated through outer space to chat up Sandra Bullock as if she was a new face on an old bar stool.

Uh-oh. Clunky back story alert!

He asks if she has anyone waiting back home for her.

Oh God, no. Try to focus on the beautiful cosmos...

Sandra says no one is waiting. Her 4-year-old daughter died. And cue the involuntary avalanche of eye-rolling thoughts: Apparently Warner Bros. assumed audiences couldn’t be trusted to root for a woman stranded alone in space; let’s throw in a dead daughter.

But it’s not just movies themselves removing all pleasure potential for the Veterans of Hollywood Wars.

There’s the cynicism of proximity. (“I don’t need to see ‘Wild.’ I can see Reese Witherspoon walking in Brentwood.”) In the opening credits of any studio-produced movie, odds are you’ll see a name you know – and make no mistake about it, people here rarely root for someone they know. Welcome to L.A.: the only place where moviegoers want movies to stink.

Foreign films are appealing, because you probably won’t know anyone who worked on them. If the credits are in Korean, well, the more foreign, the better.

Of course, every year, fine movies slip through the cracks. But even when you admire a movie, the purity of your experience is compromised by all you know and wish you didn’t.

Upon leaving “Foxcatcher” (directed by Bennett Miller), my first thought was: How did something this well made ever get made?


2015-03-03聯合報/G9/UNITED DAILY NEWS 張佑生 原文參見紐時週報十二版

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