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Business That Are Out of This World
By Kenneth Chang

Who can own the moon? Or an asteroid? Or a homestead on Mars?

According to the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, no nation can claim sovereignty over any part of any celestial rock. But the treaty is less clear on what a company or an individual can do in space – possibly because in the 1960s, the drafters of the treaty might have thought it hard to imagine a space race led by entrepreneurs rather than governments.

For companies today hoping to set up a moon colony or to mine asteroids for platinum, the ambiguity is one more hurdle in attracting investors.

“How do you get businesses to invest in the moon if there is no legal framework versus how do you get a legal framework if there are no business operations?” said John Thornton, the chief executive of Astrobotic Technology, a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, company that hopes to become the first private company to land a robotic spacecraft on the moon.

An international agreement from 1979, the Moon Treaty, said companies could not profit from space, banning ownership of the moon and other celestial bodies, and declaring that the moon’s riches were to be shared among nations, especially developing countries. But the United States, Russia and China have not signed the treaty.

The Federal Aviation Administration, which licenses private space launchings in the United States, sent a letter in December to Bigelow Aerospace of Nevada, saying it would make sure that American companies did not interfere with one another on the moon or elsewhere.

Bigelow had asked the F.A.A. in 2013 to review a proposal for landing one of its habitats on the moon for use as a lunar base for scientific research or mining.

“We recognize the private sector’s need to protect its assets and personnel on the moon or on other celestial bodies,” wrote George C. Nield, an agency official.

Bigelow is developing inflatable habitats for outer space, and this year, a small Bigelow structure is to be added to the International Space Station. In the coming years, it plans to launch larger inflatables as private space stations to be leased by companies or nations. Robert Bigelow, the company’s founder, has said he is aiming to establish his lunar base around 2025, and the company wanted to start clarifying issues.

“It’s best to avoid these problems now, before operations begin,” said Michael Gold, Bigelow’s Washington director of operations and business growth.

In its proposal, Bigelow suggested that the F.A.A. leverage its authority to review payloads and license launchings. In essence, Bigelow requested that the F.A.A. agree not to issue a license to another American company that would land at the same place.

With the F.A.A.s’ issuing licenses to American companies, Mr. Gold said the State Department could more easily work out agreements with other countries regulating their private companies.

“If you don’t have that agency and that paper, then it becomes a Wild West scenario,” Mr. Gold said. “This decision has real immediate and real impact on investors who require security and predictability.”


2015-03-03聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 張佑生 原文參見紐時週報十版

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