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How the Cloud Makes Work Go Faster
By Quentin Hardy

Technology has been accused of making many a job disappear, like the production line or the accounting office. And it is not done yet.

A company often resembles its communication and technology system. In the era of cloud computing into which the tech industry is moving, that suggest that companies will have smaller departments, quickly analyzing data and endlessly experimenting.

That means change is on the way at the many companies that will adopt cloud computing over the next few years. This is not good news for middle managers.

“Technology shapes styles of work,” said Ed Lazowska, who holds a chair in computer science and engineering at the University of Washington. “One critical advantage of the cloud is that sharing becomes dramatically easier.” He foresees more collaboration and outsourcing of work, and more specialization into whatever a worker, team or company does well.

In cloud computing, computer servers are pooled through management software. Power is scaled up or down depending on the workload, and the system is continually reconfigured, based on data about the next workload. To see how this changes a workplace, look at the structure of the biggest cloud companies around.

“You learn to harness feedback,” said David Campbell, the head of engineering at Microsoft Azure, the name of Microsoft’s cloud. Early on, this means lots of “A/B testing,” or putting up two versions of a website to quickly see which the customers prefer.
微軟的雲端公司「Microsoft Azure」工程部門主管大衛.坎貝爾說:「你學習如何利用反饋。」較早期時,這指的是大量的「A/B版本測試」,也就是放上兩個版本的網站,迅速了解顧客偏愛哪一種。

Azure makes engineering changes by moving parts of its customers’ traffic into the new stuff, seeing if that works as predicted and then building up. Checking expectations and hypotheses in real time, Mr. Campbell said, “takes hours, instead of months and years in the legacy world.”

Google also works in a data-fixated culture. Every meeting seems to be full of young engineers scrambling to amass the most compelling facts, trying to create something else they can watch customers use, then build on that. The big loser in this model may be the managers in charge of scheduling things, since it is all happening too fast.

At Amazon Web Services, which has built the world’s biggest cloud computing business, work is divided into teams of the smallest size necessary to figure out what the customer is doing with an important product. That team then quickly adapts the product to work better and looks for new insight.

It is not clear that any big company has perfected this new style of work. Even so, they all say their non-tech customers are badgering them to determine how they can break into smaller customer-focused teams, loosely collaborating and intent on moving information faster. The survivors will be good at collaboration, good at statistics and good at figuring out what the company needs to build next.

“Companies tell us, ‘We want to be Google,’” says Greg DeMichillie, the head of Google’s cloud business. “People will be more analytical, experimental, faster, more data driven at work.”


2015-02-17聯合報/G9/UNITED DAILY NEWS 莊蕙嘉 原文參見紐時週報十一版

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