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An Effort to Keep Deer Moving
By James Gorman

THE RED DESERT, Wyoming – As scientists and volunteers waits by the side of a gravel road here, a helicopter swoops down, carrying two blindfolded mule deer in slings. It hovers for a moment in a swirl of rotor-blown snow, detaching the deer slings.

Team members carry the deer to a spot to be weighed and tested. From each animal, they draw blood, pull a whisker, check a GPS collar or put on a new one, take a rectal temperature and fecal sample, perform an ultrasound on the haunches, shoot a local anesthetic into the jaw, and pull a tooth. Ten minutes later, the deer are freed and dash off.

The scientists were taking snapshots of the deer’s health and downloading their movements from their digital collars – part of a broader effort to track and preserve their migration route. Researchers recently discovered that path, which is as long as any known land migration in the lower 48 states, a twice-yearly, 240-kilometer journey that has inspired groups to work to protect the route from development.

Seasonal migrations in search of food are essential to the survival of many animals. In the American West, elk, deer, and other big game move to mountain slopes in the spring and summer, and wait out the winter at lower, warmer elevations. “Migration is the underlying mechanism that allows this landscape to support the deer populations,” said Hall Sawyer of Western EcoSystems Technology, a consulting firm, who discovered the route.

Because houses and roads, fences and gas wells can pose obstacles to traveling animals, conservationists have long recognized that preserving migration routes is essential to preserving wildlife.

About 500 deer travel from their winter range here in the Red Desert to spring and summer grounds in the Hoback River basin near Jackson, Wyoming. About 5,000 deer follow part of the path. The effort to track the migration began in 2011. Working for the United States Bureau of Land Management, Dr. Sawyer put GPS collars on 40 mule deer in the Red Desert. No one really knew what the deer did in the spring and summer, although some had been seen there year-round. Most mule deer migrate, but some stay put for reasons that are not well understood.

New Zealanders developed a technique for shooting nets from a helicopter. The pilot isolates a deer, flying close enough for a gunner to fire a net that traps the deer. The pilot then lowers the craft so the “mugger” – the gunner or another crew member – can jump to the ground, run to the deer, wrestles it into a position where he can blindfold it and wrap it in a sling. The helicopter then swings back so the mugger can hitch the sling to the copter before climbing aboard.

The process can be rough on the deer. Kevin Monteith, a wildlife biologist who works with Dr. Sawyer, says 1 to 3 percent of the deer die or are injured and have to be euthanized.

Once deer are collared, the researchers release them and then recapture them each spring and fall to download information from the collars, which record a deer’s location every three hours.

“Data creates opportunities to do things that didn’t exist before,” said Steve Sharkey, director of the Knobloch Family Foundation, which backs the research.

Each test provides crucial data. Teeth establish age, whiskers provide DNA, blood and feces provide information about diet and metabolism, and ultrasound scans of the haunches calculate body fat.

Migrations in the West follow what biologists call the “green wave” in the spring – the bloom of vegetation that starts at low elevations and moves higher with each day. The deer that fare best “surf” that wave, catching each area’s vegetation at its most nutritious.

When scientists publicized the Red Desert-to-Hoback route, they listed the top 10 challenges it faces. Wyoming conservation groups focused on the top challenge for protecting the route – a bottleneck near Fremont Lake. The Conservation Fund is in the process of buying the area involved for about $2 million, to protect it from development. The Knobloch Foundation is providing half of the funding.

The more accurate data provided by new technology and the deer are making political and regulatory action easier, mostly by pinpointing the land that is important for protecting the route.

“It’s not about huge vast landscapes,” said Peter Aengst of the Wilderness Society. “It’s about very narrow but very critical acres.”


2015-02-17聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 田思怡 原文參見紐時週報十版

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