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Alarms Raised on Warming Cost
By Burt Helm

The unusual collection of business and policy leaders in the Risky Business Project don’t agree on much, but they concur on one issue: Shifts in weather over the next few decades will probably cost companies hundreds of billions of dollars, and they have no choice but to adapt.

Some in the project advocate a carbon tax, some want to mandate companies to disclose their climate risks. One suggests the world may be able to get by without any mandatory rules at all.

The committee started in June as a way to promote a study that it commissioned, “Risky Business: The Economic Risks of Climate Change in the United States.” It has since evolved into a loose network of missionaries publicizing the report’s data far and wide.

The group is led by three men: Tom Steyer, the hedge fund billionaire whose super PAC spent $73 million last year attacking Republicans who denied climate change; Henry M. Paulson Jr., the former chief executive of Goldman Sachs and the Treasury secretary under President George W. Bush; and Michael R. Bloomberg, New York City’s former mayor and the billionaire founder of the financial information company Bloomberg L.P.

Mr. Paulson wants companies to implement and regulators to enforce disclosure rules regarding climate risk and carbon emissions for publicly traded companies. Mr. Bloomberg views the work as a way to spur city governments and local businesses to work together on climate issues. Mr. Steyer sees the research as a way to neutralize conservatives’ arguments that environmental regulation always hurts business.

“One side argues morality and polar bears, and the other side argues jobs,” Mr. Steyer said. “You’re never going to win with polar bears.”

The project’s inspiration was a British report called the Stern Review, in 2006. That economic analysis, sponsored by the British government, examined all the costs of climate change, eventually concluding that the price of curbing global warming was small compared with the costs of doing nothing.

In May 2014, the Risky Business members gathered at the Bloomberg Philanthropies offices in Manhattan to hear the findings of the study they had commissioned. They heard that, if the status quo persisted: Climate change would increase energy demand in Texas by between 3.4 and 9.2 percent by midcentury. Crop yields in Missouri and Illinois would face a 15 percent decline over the next 25 years. And in the Northeast, annual property damage from severe storms may increase $11.1 billion, to a total of $15.8 billion by the end of the century.

When Mr. Paulson speaks to local groups, he makes sure to bring data from the report tailored to their county.

“I’m not just having an abstract conversation about climate being this big risk. I can say, ‘Let me tell you!’ ” he said, slapping the table. “Here’s what this is going to mean to you, your industry and your family. Suddenly people are interested.”

Another project member, Henry G. Cisneros, the former housing and urban development secretary under President Bill Clinton and now a real estate developer, warns audiences to budget for spiraling insurance premiums in coastal states like Florida, and to keep in mind that in drought-prone regions like California’s Central Valley, water permits may become hard to acquire.
計畫另一成員亨利.西斯內羅斯是柯林頓總統任內的住宅與都市發展部長,現為房地產開發商,他提醒聽眾為佛州這樣的沿海州保險費不斷飆高備妥預算 ,而且要謹記,像加州中央谷地這樣的乾旱地區,用水許可恐將難以取得。

Greg Page of Cargill, the food conglomerate, treads lightly when addressing farmers’ groups. He says they have been conditioned to think of global warming as a liberal euphemism for more regulation. “I ask simple questions: ‘Would you like universities to suspend research on seeds that grow in higher temperatures? Of course not! That’s all I’m saying!’ ” he said. “You get people to acknowledge that they, too, have anxieties.”

Through this kind of education, committee members hope to recruit business leaders to the fight against climate change. “The whole point of all of this is that it can be mitigated,” Mr. Paulson said. “The enemies of what we’re trying to do are short-termism and a sense of hopelessness. But if we act soon we can avoid the worst outcomes and adapt.”

Jon Doggett of the National Corn Growers Association was skeptical that the report would influence farmers much. His members need near-term incentives to cut greenhouse gases – immediate cost savings, government incentives and so forth, he said.

But, bit by bit, the Risky Business Project hopes to turn the tide. “We’ve made progress on things like civil rights, smoking, gay marriage and other things that seemed impossible to move when businesspeople joined the silent majority,” Mr. Cisneros said. “Congress tends not to act until the broad mainstream, including business, is aboard.”


2015-02-17聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 田思怡 原文參見紐時週報八版

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