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紐時摘譯:非洲走向繁榮 期盼吃得更好


As Africa Prospers, Will Diets Improve?
非洲走向繁榮 期盼吃得更好
By David Leonhardt

For decades, the countries of Africa were the world’s economic laggards. But over the last decade, Africa’s per capita income has grown at a rate nearly identical to that of the rest of the world.

It’s reasonable to imagine that the continent is in the early stages of a trajectory that could mimic that of Latin America or, more ambitiously, parts of Asia. With the world experiencing one of the greatest extended reductions in poverty on record, Africa has finally become part of the story. A middle class is developing in West Africa, from Ghana and Nigeria to Angola. Severely poor countries, like Ethiopia and Liberia, are making rapid progress.

Along with Africa’s economic stirrings come the same questions that have confronted the rest of the developing world, especially around food. Will the economic growth prove lasting and broad enough to end the continent’s tragic famines? Will those Africans who today live almost entirely on starches like cassava be able to switch to a more varied and nutritious diet? On the continent likely to suffer some of the worst consequences of climate change, how will farmers cope?

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has also spent more than $3 billion in grants on African agriculture, recently announced its goals for the next 15 years. Among them: programs to help Africa feed itself.

Africa’s farmers today are vastly less productive than farmers elsewhere – getting less than one-fifth the yield on corn that American farmers do, for instance. The foundation plans to finance more scientific research, new programs to disseminate that research, better food storage and more mobile phones. A more efficient agricultural sector, the Gateses write in their annual letter, “can drive massive poverty reduction and improve life across the continent.”

Worries about the availability of food stretch back centuries, not just in Africa. The crux of the essay that made Thomas Malthus famous, in 1798, argued that food production grew arithmetically while the population grew geometrically, dooming the human species to a grim future.
(編按:馬爾薩斯是18~19世紀的英國人口學家兼政治經濟學家。他的《人口學原理》影響深遠,至今在社會學和經濟學領域仍有爭論。馬爾薩斯的《1798論文》表達了以下八個主要觀點:1.人口數量嚴重受限於生存手段。2. 當生存手段增加後,人口也相應增加。3.人口壓力刺激生產增長。4.生產增長反過來也刺激人口增長。5.從長遠來看,生產增長不能與人口的增長潛力保持同步,人口數量與供養能力之間必將出現巨大落差。6.性、勞動和子女等影響人口和生產力的諸多因素由個人的收支決定所影響。7.當人口增長超過供養能力時,正面的抑制因素會發揮作用。8.這些抑制因素的本質將對生物社會系統的其他部分產生影響。)

It turns out that the fruits of human ingenuity grow geometrically, too – more than rapidly enough to keep pace with population growth. The share of income that societies devote to food has fallen sharply even as the world’s population has grown to 7.3 billion.

I asked the Gateses why food production needed to be among their big new goals. After all, private market economies have generally managed to deliver enough food, at least to countries on the rise.

I mentioned Paul Ehrlich and his well-known $10,000 bet with the economist Julian Simon in 1980, over the price of a basket of commodities. Mr. Ehrlich thought the prices would rise by 1990, in a sign that the resources could not keep up with population growth. Mr. Simon thought otherwise – and won.
我提及保羅.艾利希(美國知名生物學家兼人口學家)和經濟學家朱利安.西蒙,1980年以1萬美元賭1籃子商品( 原物料)價格的知名賭局。艾利希認為物價到1990年時將上漲,因為跡象顯示,資源供應無法跟上人口增長。西蒙看法則相反,最後西蒙贏得了賭注。

“Even Simon’s view was that humans would have to change to innovate,” Mr. Gates said. Innovation is not preordained. Indeed, it’s happened much more in some societies than in others. And it has happened, Mr. Gates was arguing, because people and institutions took steps to remove the barriers to progress.

With African agriculture, those barriers include roads that are too narrow to transport grain quickly, lack of knowledge about how crops fare best in some places and a dearth of basic information – on market prices, for instance – that hampers farmers.

“They get taken by the middlemen,” Ms. Gates said. “If they have a cellphone, they’re informed.”

Climate change, left unaddressed, presents grave dangers for everyone.

But much of the world is enjoying one of history’s most rapid increases in prosperity. Life expectancy has risen more than six years just since 1990.

As Mr. Gates says: “The world is actually improving a lot. We’re trying to deliver both the good news on the progress and the possibility to do more.”


2015-02-17聯合報/G9/UNITED DAILY NEWS 王麗娟 原文參見紐時週報七版

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