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Europe’s Trap
By Paul Krugman

There are many risks in the world economy right now — a possible Chinese hard landing (local governments depend heavily on land sales for revenue? Oh, boy), a financial crisis in Russia and other oil exporters, etc.. But one thing is not a risk, because it has already happened: the euro area has entered a Japan-style deflationary trap.

No, it’s not literally deflation at an EA-wide level, but that doesn’t matter — slightly positive and slightly negative inflation with interest rates already at the zero lower bound are essentially the same. Furthermore, southern Europe still needs substantial amounts of “internal devaluation” — that is, still needs to reduce costs and prices relative to Germany — so that a low overall euro area inflation rate means destructive deflation in much of the continent.

And if you look at the implied market forecast, it’s truly disastrous. Right now, German 5-year bonds offer a yield of zero — an implicit firm forecast that Europe will be in a liquidity trap for the foreseeable future, while 5-year index bonds are yielding about -0.35 percent. That’s telling you two things: investors see so little in the way of profitable investment opportunities that they’re willing to pay the German government to protect their wealth, and they expect something like 0.3 percent inflation over the next five years, which is catastrophically below target.

How is this supposed to end? I like and admire Mario Draghi, and believe that he’s doing his best. But it’s really hard to see how the ECB could gain enough traction here to solve the problem even if it didn’t face internal dissent from the hard-money types.

So don’t think of Europe as having a tough but workable economic strategy, endangered by Greek voters and such. Europe is at a dead end; if anything, Greece is doing the rest of Europe a favor by sounding a wake-up call.


諾貝爾經濟學獎得主克魯曼(Paul Krugman)在紐約時報撰文指出,全球經濟面臨各種危機,例如中國經濟有「硬著陸」的風險,俄羅斯等原油出口國陷入金融危機,但歐元區步入「日式通縮」的陷阱。


南歐諸國仍須進行大量的「內部貶值」(internal devaluation),讓成本與價格相對於德國降低,歐元區的低通膨意味著歐陸多數地區面臨毀滅性的通縮。





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