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Prepared by Experience for Role as Mom in ‘Boyhood’
By Cara Buckley

LOS ANGELES – When Patricia Arquette was 19, rebellious, and juggling auditions between various jobs, she learned that she was pregnant by her punk rock boyfriend, whom she was living with here.

They decided to have the baby, a boy, Enzo. A month after Enzo was born, Ms. Arquette and the father split up, leaving this struggling actress a single mother. That combination often augurs career doom, but for Ms. Arquette, intellectual restlessness coupled with her maternal instinct to “drag meat back for my young,” as she put it, steeled something deep.

“I don’t think I would have had much of a career if I didn’t have my son,” Ms. Arquette, 46.

Young parenthood also helped Ms. Arquette – who has had a steady career of art house films, directed by the likes of David Lynch, Michel Gondry and David O. Russell – land her most significant role in years, as the divorced mother Olivia, in Richard Linklater’s “Boyhood,” (The son, Mason, is played by Ellar Coltrane, as Mason grows from ages 6 to 18.)

The film, which follows the quiet moments of life, and parents and children as they mature, has left audiences misty eyed and won Ms. Arquette a Golden Globe award for best supporting actress. She has also been nominated for an Oscar.

Mr. Linklater said Ms. Arquette had been foremost in his mind for the role as Mason’s mother, and she leapt at the chance.

“He said, ‘I’m making this movie, where I shoot a week a year for 12 years, and we follow this little boy from first grade to 12th grade,’ ” Ms. Arquette said. “And just everything in my body went, ‘oh my God, oh my God, this is the most exciting idea.’ My son was already older, and I had seen how fast his childhood had gone by.”

Mr. Linklater said he was drawn to her “realness” and “gutsiness” in other performances. “We talked about her as a young parent, a single parent, a married parent. I can’t imagine working with someone who didn’t really have kids,” he said.

Filming started in 2002. Mr. Linklater had Ms. Arquette and Ethan Hawke, who plays her ex-husband and Mason’s father, pick names for their own characters. The actors also chose the names for the children, Mr. Coltrane and Lorelei Linklater, who is Mr. Linklater’s eldest daughter and plays Samantha, the boy’s sister.

Ms. Arquette spent a weekend with the two kids before filming started, puttering around a house in Austin, Texas, doing art projects, fixing their meals, drawing their baths. An early scene shows the fruits of that intimacy, with both children snuggled against Ms. Arquette as she reads to them. “Patricia is kind of a maternal force,” Mr. Coltrane said. “It’s pretty easy to pretend she’s your mom.”

Ms. Arquette also did something quietly revolutionary for a Hollywood actress: Over the dozen years of “Boyhood,” she unapologetically and naturally aged on-screen, her body widening and her face adding wrinkles as she grew into middle age. “So vanity free,” Mr. Linklater said.

Mr. Hawke said: “She’s always been a real hero because of her unbelievable freedom and emotional authenticity. She’s carrying it into this midpoint in our lives, when fear strikes the heart of even the strongest.”

Having grown to be a somewhat of a family, the cast is reveling in the awards hype around “Boyhood,” because it brings them together again. “I don’t miss them the way I’m going to miss them,” Ms. Arquette said.

In the meantime, she has returned to the television with a lead role coming in “CSI: Cyber.” “I want to work in whatever way I want to work,” she said, “and I don’t want it dictated to me by any society.”


2015-01-27聯合報/G9/UNITED DAILY NEWS 馮克芸 原文參見紐時週報十二版

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