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紐時摘譯:PlayStation 迎戰兩大勁敵


Competition for PlayStation From Its 2 Biggest Rival
By Nick Wingfield

SEATTLE – Not so fast, Sony. Your two biggest rivals in the game console business, Microsoft and Nintendo, are showing signs of life.

After the last holiday season, Sony looked as if it might gain an unassailable lead in the console market with its PlayStation 4. Nintendo was losing money, and Microsoft – which released the Xbox One system around the same time as the PlayStation 4 last fall – lagged behind Sony’s sales, a gulf that widened during the year.
年美國假日季節過後,索尼看似可藉PlayStation 4(以下簡稱PS4)在主機市場取得無法撼動的領導地位。任天堂正在賠錢,微軟約在PS4推出同時發表Xbox One系統,銷售表現不如索尼,而且差距在那一年拉得更大。

But during the recent holiday season Nintendo released a series of hit games for its Wii U system that underscored the unwavering loyalty of its fan base. And Microsoft, Sony’s most direct competitor in the games market, temporarily cut the starting price of the Xbox One to $349, $50 cheaper than the PlayStation 4. The move helped it regain a sales lead in the United States, the most important market for the product.
不過在去年假日季節,任天堂發表一系列為自家Wii U主機系統設計的熱門遊戲,讓粉絲本已堅定的忠誠度更鞏固。索尼在電玩市場最直接的競爭者微軟,暫時把Xbox One的開價調降為349美元,比PS4便宜50美元,這招讓微軟在美國奪回銷售寶座,而美國正是Xbox One最重要的市場。

The discount highlighted a sharp turn in strategy by Microsoft. When the Xbox One was first released, it included the Kinect motion-sensing device, and the package was $499 – $100 more than the PlayStation 4. In June, Microsoft began selling an Xbox One without the Kinect, for $399.
降價凸顯微軟策略大改變。Xbox One剛上市時包含Kinect體感裝置,整套售價499美元,比PS4100美元。去年6月,微軟開始販售不含KinectXbox One,售價399美元。

It is a safe bet that the PlayStation 4 still has an overall sales edge on Xbox One. In mid-November, Microsoft said it was on the verge of shipping its 10 millionth Xbox One, while the previous month Sony said it had shipped 13.5 million PlayStation 4s.
總體來說PS4銷量無疑仍超越Xbox One。去年11月中,微軟表示第1000萬台Xbox One即將出貨,索尼則在10月就說,PS4計已出貨1350萬台。

The United States and Britain continue to be strongholds for Microsoft’s Xbox business, but it is weaker outside those markets. The company’s games business is especially feeble in Japan, where Sony and Nintendo are homegrown favorites.

Nintendo’s fortunes have improved, too, though the company has not come close to repeating the success of the Wii, the motion-sensing console that became a breakout hit during the last generation of games hardware. The company said it had sold 7.29 million Wii U consoles as of September 30, even though it went on sale a year before the Microsoft and Sony offerings.
任天堂雖未重演Wii的成功,財富卻也增加了。Wii是體感主機,在上一代電玩硬體中暴紅。任天堂說,到去年930日止賣出729萬台Wii U主機,不過Wii U比微軟和索尼機種早一年上市。

Even though its hardware sales are lagging, Nintendo makes the most popular games for its systems, including longtime game franchises like Mario, Zelda and Pokémon. Those games give the company another big source of income. Nintendo is forecasting a profit for its current fiscal year, which ends March 31.

Children today are increasingly playing games on tablets and smartphones, where Nintendo has no real presence, rather than on Nintendo handhelds.

“That’s the biggest concern with Nintendo is that they lose out on that audience,” said David Cole, an industry analyst.

That is also a worry for Microsoft, which partly explains why it paid $2.5 billion last year to acquire the developer of Minecraft, an enormously popular game for mobile devices, consoles and computers.


2015-01-27聯合報/G9/UNITED DAILY NEWS 李京倫 原文參見紐時週報七版

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