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紐時摘譯:小說賈禍 作家安全不保


Threat of Fatwa Looms for a Writer
小說賈禍 作家安全不保
By Doreen Carvajal

PARIS – There are elements of the absurd about the plight of Kamel Daoud, an Algerian writer whose debut novel reaped glowing international reviews, literary honors and then, suddenly, demands for his public execution.

His book, “Meursault, Counter-Investigation,” is a retelling of Albert Camus’s classic “The Stranger,” from an Algerian perspective, with Mr. Daoud gives voice to the brother of the nameless Arab murder victim who is shot in Algiers.

Camus’s 1942 novel, an exploration of the absurd and the meaningless of life, greatly influenced Mr. Daoud, who is now dealing with his own farcical reality: a Facebook fatwa issued by a Salafist imam from Algeria.

No one has been arrested in connection with the death threat that surfaced on December 16. But there has been debate in Algeria about whether an unschooled imam is qualified to issue a fatwa. It is unclear whether the threat stems from Mr. Daoud’s television appearances or his novel’s character, who rebukes a neighborhood imam.

“I still have no protection,” said Mr. Daoud, 44, who has retreated to his home in Oran, the second-largest city in Algeria. “This is a strategy for pushing me into exile and to shape public opinion with old ghosts of the 1990s and memories of the civil war here. It scares people.”

Readers have responded; Mr. Daoud’s publisher in Algeria, Barzakh Editions, ran out of stock and is printing more. Rights have sold in 13 countries.

In November, Mr. Daoud’s novel fell just short of winning the Goncourt Prize, France’s top literary honor for French-language fiction. That led to French television appearances, including one in which Mr. Daoud observed that “religion is a vital question in the Arab world” and that “we need to reflect on this to move forward.”

Soon after, the threat was issued by Abdelfatah Hamadache, a radical Islamist preacher who leads an obscure Salafist group, the Islamic Awakening Front. Labeling Mr. Daoud “an enemy of religion,” he called on the Algerian state to impose a public execution of Mr. Daoud for the “war he is leading against God and the prophet.” Mr. Daoud filed a criminal complaint against the imam, who then told the Algerian TSA news service, “I did not say I was going to kill him, and I have not called on Muslims to do so.”

Mr. Daoud said he was accustomed to insults and criticism, since he writes about issues like government corruption in his regular columns for Le Quotidien d’Oran, a newspaper. But he said that this was the first death threat directed against him.

Sofiane Hadjadj, Mr. Daoud’s editor, said critics are focusing on the book’s end, in which the Arab murder victim’s brother scolds an imam for wasting his time in a discussion of God.

Lost in the current debate is that Mr. Daoud developed his idea to bring life to the nameless Arab character in Camus’s work.

In Mr. Daoud’s retelling, the victim’s brother in his 70s, recount his version of the “second most important character” in the crime, “who has no name, no face, no words.”


2015-01-20聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 張佑生 原文參見紐時週報十二版

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