Seeking a Global Market for Cranberries
By Kim Severson
WARRENS, Wisconsin – Cranberries are one of only three fruits native to North America that are commercially cultivated. The other two: Concord grapes and blueberries.
This state, which grows more cranberries than any other, is awash in the fruit. Two years of record harvests have sent prices plummeting, and growers are trying to figure out new ways to market their fruit.
As millions of kilos more than usual sit in storage nationwide, a fog of worry has settled in over the sandy cranberry marshes here that provide a living for nearly 4,000 people. “It’s one of the deepest pits we’ve been in, I’ll tell you,” said Michael Gnewikow of the Wetherby Cranberry Company in central Wisconsin.
Cranberry growers are now engaged in serious trade diplomacy, trying to convince countries like India, South Korea and China that the cranberry is worth adding to their culinary canons.
Wisconsin growers hosted Chinese buyers in August, letting them taste tart raw berries and cranberry wine. In October, Chinese journalists spent two days in Massachusetts cranberry fields, where they donned waders and stood thigh-deep in bogs filled with floating cranberries.
The Chinese drawn by the health benefits, bought about 1.3 million kilos of cranberries in 2013. In 2014 they bought almost twice as much.
Cranberries are a part of holiday meals in the United States. But only a fifth of the country’s cranberry supply is eaten between Thanksgiving and Christmas. So the cranberry industry is trying to recast its product in nontraditional ways, expanding the market beyond the America itself, partly by promoting the berry’s health properties.
Cranberries help with urinary tract infections and are high in antioxidants that can protect cells. Some research has shown the cranberry can fight harmful bacteria.
Only 3 percent of the cranberries grown here and in Massachusetts, New Jersey and the Pacific Northwest are sold fresh. Most are dried, pressed into juice, canned as sauce or made into pharmaceutical powders. The sweetened dried cranberry, the Craisin, is a popular snack.
Still, there are too many. Wisconsin broke a record last fall when it harvested 272 million kilos, more than 60 percent of the national supply. For growers who sell cranberries to processors, a kilo that brought in $2 in 2008 was worth about 25 cents in 2014.
But Nodji Van Wychen, the 66-year-old matriarch of the Wetherby company, is optimistic.
“We rode the roller coaster before,” she said. “All of this is just an opportunity to get more creative.”
2015-01-20聯合報/G9版/UNITED DAILY NEWS 莊蕙嘉譯 原文參見紐時週報十一版下