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Harvesting Megawatts From Tidal Lagoons
By Beth Gardiner

LONDON – The development of a new generation of sea-based power arrays lags far behind more widely used renewable technologies like wind and solar.

But the company pushing a new project on the coast of Wales thinks its update of traditional dam-based hydropower will be much easier to bring to fruition.

Tidal Lagoon Power Limited says the approach, known as tidal lagoon generation, could provide as much as 10 percent of Britain’s power from six of its projects within a decade. That is an optimistic. Still, those hoping the seas will become an energy source will be watching Swansea Bay, Wales, where the company hopes to get approval this spring to build the first lagoon.

“If it’s put together and it’s a success, people will look for other similar areas where there’s some development opportunity,” said Douglas J. Arent of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado. Because it needs a large difference between the levels of high and low tides, tidal lagoon power is likely workable in few places, like Alaska’s Cook Inlet and parts of South Korea. Mr. Arent said it could still be useful because, unlike the wind and sun, tides are predictable.

The Swansea Bay plan is estimated to cost 1 billion pounds, or $1.6 billion. Engineers would build a large holding pool along the shore, contained by a seawall. When the tide rises, water levels become higher outside the pool than in. Gates open to let water enter, turning turbines. When the tide recedes, the levels are higher inside than outside, and the water, when released, turns the turbines in the other direction. In principle, it is not so different from projects like the barrage at the mouth of the Rance river in France, or the Sihwa Lake station in South Korea. Because they often block estuaries, though, such plants raise worries about environments damage. The lagoon approach seeks to minimize such impact.

Worldwide, plants in the broader category of tidal range now have about 500 megawatts of power-generating capacity, and that could rise to 800 megawatts by 2020, experts say. That is tiny compared, for example, to global solar panel capacity, which grew by an estimated 100 megawatts every day in 2013.

The biggest concern for the project, energy experts say, is its high cost, and the fear of budget overruns, in part because of the need for a 10-kilometer seawall. A report that Tidal Lagoon Power commissioned from the consulting firm Poyry estimated that the Swansea lagoon would require a price of 168 pounds per megawatt hour, just above the guarantee provided to offshore wind farms, considered very expensive. The five projects the company hopes to build subsequently would bring the cost down to 92 pounds per megawatt hour.

“If you are serious about decarbonizing your electricity supply, frankly you need all the technologies available, whether that’s wind, solar, nuclear,” or anything else, said Ali Lloyd, one of the authors of the Poyry report. “There’s a role for all of them.”


2015-01-20聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 王麗娟 原文參見紐時週報十二版

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