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In France, a Reckoning With an Inglorious Past
By Maia de la Baume

PARIS – The 1942 telegram signed by one of the highest officials of the collaborationist Vichy regime urged prefects in unoccupied France “personally” to supervise the transfer of thousands of Jews to deportation camps.

“The head of state wants you to take personal control of the measures taken with regard to the foreign Jews,” wrote René Bousquet, who was Vichy’s chief of police at the time. “You should not hesitate to destroy any resistance you may encounter among these populations.”

The telegram was part of Bousquet’s legal file after he was formally accused in 1989 of crimes against humanity for orchestrating the roundup of Jews and for ordering the deportation of Jewish children. (He had largely escaped punishment for his collaboration just after the war, but was murdered in 1993 while the charges were being investigated.)

The typewritten telegram, whose paper has turned yellow with age, is part of 300 documents, including letters, photos, personal items, posters, police files and books that are on display at a new exhibition at the National Archives museum here.

The exhibition, called “Collaboration 1940-1945” and on view through March 2, is one of the first devoted to its subject. It is part of the commemorations on the 70th anniversary of France’s liberation from Nazi rule.

The subject of collaboration has recently been explored in books, movies, documentaries and even television series, like “Un Village Français,” which started in 2009. It is part of a broader reckoning by France of its inglorious past.

The French perception of how the country behaved during the occupation has changed. France was initially portrayed as a nation of resisters, but by the 1990s, President Jacques Chirac was citing the nation’s “collective wrongdoing.”

Today, historians define France’s collaboration as a political, administrative, economic, military, ideological and cultural alliance with the Nazis. But “behaviors differed” among individuals, said Denis Peschanski, one of the curators.

Mr. Peschanski said the exhibition distinguishes between collaborationists and collaborators – “between those who were entirely allied with the occupier and those who accommodated to the circumstances.” The collaborationists did not merely assist the Germans by following orders from Vichy or by seeking personal profit, but rather sought to achieve France’s resurgence through Nazi rule, he said.

Despite its provocative focus, the show has drawn a muted but largely positive response in France. The show traces the chronology of collaboration, from the armistice signed with Germany in 1940 to the treason trial of Marshal Philippe Pétain, head of the Vichy regime, in 1945. Visitors walk through corridors to the sounds of wartime songs and speeches by Pétain and Pierre Laval, Vichy’s chief minister.

Some documents are being displayed publicly for the first time. These include a letter from the novelist Louis-Ferdinand Céline congratulating Lucien Rebatet, a collaborationist writer, for his pamphlet “Les Décombres,” or “The Ruins,” which urged killing Jews.

The historian Tal Bruttmann said the exhibition shows the importance of ideology in collaboration. “In France, we have long thought that collaboration wasn’t an ideological commitment – we believed that collaborators were crooks,” he said. “But there were also French Nazis.”

Among the rare images is a photo of Hitler’s ambassador to Vichy, Otto Abetz, with Pétain and Laval. The photo was taken only hours before Pétain shook Hitler’s hand.

In another photo, taken on July 3, 1942, Pétain, Laval and Bousquet, the police chief, are seen walking out of the minister’s council in Paris just after Laval announced the mass arrest of Jews known as the Vel d’Hiv roundup.

Within days, more than 13,000 people were seized for deportation to death camps.


2014-12-30聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 王麗娟 原文參見紐時週報十二版

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