In Forlorn Churches, Pews Fill in a Flash
荒廢的教堂 快閃的會眾
By Michael Paulson
CLEVELAND, Ohio – The glory days of Holy Ghost Church were years ago, when Catholics packed into the wooden pews.
The congregation dwindled so much that in 2009 the church was closed. But on a bright Sunday this summer, Holy Ghost was alive again. Mary Matei, visiting from Knoxville, Tennessee, snapped pictures on her iPhone, while Ann Cogar and Sue Koch, sisters from suburban Cleveland, admired stained glass windows and statuary.
They were taking part in a Mass mob, which mixes heritage tour and social occasion. The movement is bringing thousands of suburban Catholics to visit the struggling or closed urban churches of their parents and grandparents. It is also attracting donations.
Named after flash mobs – spontaneous gatherings of crowds, often in a public place, to make an artistic or political statement – Mass mobs are spreading, and taking church leaders by surprise.
In Detroit, nearly 2,000 people show up to visit churches that normally draw a fraction of that number; hundreds take part in Buffalo, New York; and scores join the events here in Cleveland.
Mass mobs began last November in Buffalo, where Christopher Byrd, 47, was inspired by an initiative called a cash mob, which sought to support local small businesses by having groups of people patronize the same mom-and-pop shop on a particular day.
Similarly, Mass mobs seek to draw large crowds to a single church in a demonstration of support for Catholicism and its most beautiful – and often needy – churches.
“There’s a generational disconnect between when these cities emptied out and got blighted, and the young people who want to rediscover these roots,” Mr. Byrd said.
Although most of the parishes visited by Mass mobs are still open, several dioceses have granted permission to hold special worship services at closed churches, including at Holy Ghost in Cleveland, which was built to serve immigrant Catholics from the Carpathian Mountains and is now a Byzantine Catholic cultural center.
“We want to show that these parishes do have value – to the people within them, to the greater community and to the city itself,” said Stanislav Zadnik, 54, a union electrician from Parma, Ohio, who has organized the Cleveland Mass mob movement. “It’s a grand shame to make them go extinct.”
Several dioceses are now helping to promote Mass mobs through their newspapers and social media, and some bishops are openly welcoming the effort, particularly in Detroit, the metropolitan area that has lost the most Catholics since 1950. A side effect is that people often donate during their visit: An organizer of Detroit Mass Mob, Thom Mann, said participants had given nearly $100,000 to the six churches visited thus far.
The Fairfield County Mass mob campaign in Connecticut is the first in a suburban diocese; organizers note that even in an area known for leafy affluence, there are old, struggling parishes and disconnected Catholics.
Elizabeth Davis, 47, of Harmony, Pennsylvania, decided to start a Mass mob in Pittsburgh after hearing about the group in Buffalo.
“These beautiful old churches were built by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and to see them close is really sad,” said Ms. Davis. “We have 2,000 years of tradition, and it’s time we get excited about it.”
2014-11-25聯合報/G9版/UNITED DAILY NEWS 張佑生譯 原文參見紐時週報十一版下