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Mexico’s Oil Industry Starts to Look Deep
By Elisabeth Malkin

LA MURALLA IV, Gulf of Mexico – The computer screens in the control room on this giant floating platform monitor pressure levels in a narrow shaft cut through bedrock to a reservoir of natural gas five kilometers below.

For six months, an international team hired by a contractor for Petróleos Mexicanos, or Pemex, Mexico’s state-owned oil monopoly, has been drilling an exploratory well here. Now, the work is nearly done.

An operation like this would attract little attention in the northern part of the gulf, where dozens of deepwater platforms are part of the mosaic fueling America’s energy boom. On the Mexican side, though, the search is just beginning.

Pemex is counting on a future in deepwater production. But after eight years of exploratory drilling, it is still years away from producing the first barrel of oil in deep waters. Before it can, Pemex must shed its past as a lumbering state monopoly and remake itself as a streamlined company ready to compete on a world stage.

“The real large fields, the material opportunities for Pemex, lie in deep water,” Emilio Lozoya Austin, the company’s chief executive, said. “This is where our biggest learning curve lies.”

Mr. Lozoya’s ambitious plans are part of a sweeping overhaul of Mexico’s energy sector intended to increase flagging oil and gas production. By ending Pemex’s monopoly, the government hopes to attract serious outside investment for the first time since Mexico kicked out foreign oil companies in 1938.

Within a year, Mexico’s regulator, the National Hydrocarbons Commission, will hold the country’s first open auctions for oil and gas fields, including deepwater regions in the Gulf of Mexico.

“Pemex will not have any special privileges at all,” said Juan Carlos Zepeda, the president of the hydrocarbons commission.

The change will not be easy for Pemex, long run as an arm of the government. The company’s task has been to pump oil and provide cash for the Mexican government, a job made possible by generous discoveries in the shallow waters of the southern gulf in the 1970s. The result was that Pemex suffered losses and never invested for the future. Closed off from the global industry, it fell behind the energy giants.

Since the peak in 2004, Mexican crude oil production has fallen by about a million barrels a day to an expected 2.35 million barrels a day this year.

And Pemex has neither the financial capital nor the expertise to produce oil and gas from its complex deepwater reserves.

Mr. Lozoya’s priority for deep water next year is to attract partners to begin production at two fields. Private investment in oil and gas production is forecast to rise steadily each year to reach about $27 billion by 2020.

But Pemex’s reputation for corruption is one of investors’ main concerns, said Deborah Byers, a managing partner at EY consulting in Houston, Texas.

Mexican prosecutors are investigating one of Pemex’s largest contractors, the politically connected marine services company Oceanografía, over accusations of a $400 million bank fraud scheme

To tighten control over Pemex’s $40 billion contract operations, Mr. Lozoya has centralized them in one department.

And Pemex has trouble managing its sprawling industrial properties that bleed money and attention from the company’s exploration and production division. The company has lost $1.15 billion this year to criminals’ tapping into its pipelines.

Mr. Lozoya argues that Pemex has taken the most important step in a turnaround. “We have stopped talking about barrels,” he said. “We only talk about U.S. dollars and pesos now. It’s not about volumes. It’s about value.”


2014-11-18聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 陳世欽 原文參見紐時週報八版右

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