Like Father, Like Daughter at Banco Santander
By Raphael Minder
MADRID — Banco Santander decided on Wednesday to keep its leadership in the family by appointing Ana Patricia Botín as executive chairwoman to succeed her father, Emilio Botín, who died the night before.
Ms. Botín, 53, takes the helm at about the same age that Mr. Botín was when he took charge from his father in 1986. Ms. Botín, who has held several top positions at the bank, was approved unanimously by the board of Santander, Spain’s largest bank by assets.
Mr. Botín’s death was unexpected, and he had recently shown no inclination to retire soon despite being one of Spain’s longest-serving corporate chiefs.
Santander was transformed over three decades into a behemoth of international finance by Mr. Botín, whose aggressive acquisition strategy extended the bank’s footprint from Brazil to Britain and the United States. When Mr. Botín succeeded his father, the family-controlled bank was the seventh largest in Spain.
Jesús Sánchez Quiñones, the director general of Renta 4, a Madrid brokerage firm, said Ms. Botín faced a “big challenge to maintain the kind of position the bank has gained under her father, not only in terms of size but also as one of the few big banks not to need any rescue funding during the crisis.”
He added that he expected Ms. Botín to have a “less presidential style” of leadership than her father. He noted that she could rely on a strong management team, including the chief executive, Javier Marín, who was appointed last year.
Ms. Botín has a strong track record of her own. She studied in the United States and then started her investment banking career at JPMorgan Chase in New York. She returned to Spain to join Santander in 1988, rising rapidly through the ranks and establishing herself as her father’s heir apparent.
But her ascent did not come without some turbulence. In 1999, Santander was acquiring another bank, Banco Central Hispano, when El Pais, Spain’s most influential newspaper, pronounced Ms. Botín “the most powerful woman in Spain.” The day after the El Pais article, she resigned abruptly as executive vice president. Some analysts at the time speculated that the newspaper profile fueled jealousy at Central Hispano and could have created problems for her father.
Three years later, however, Ms. Botín was back and took charge of one of Santander’s main retail businesses, Banesto, an appointment that made her only the second woman to run a bank in Spain. She appeared regularly on the list of the world’s most influential female executives.
In 2010, Ms. Botín left Banesto and moved to London to run Santander’s British operations, succeeding António Horta-Osório, who became chief executive of the Lloyds Banking Group.
She “certainly has plenty of international experience,” Mr. Sánchez Quiñones said.
Ms. Botín, who is married with three children, has avoided the public spotlight. According to Spanish media, she is an avid golfer — and one of her sisters was married to the golf champion Severiano Ballesteros. She also shares her mother’s passion for classical music.
Analysts said Ms. Botín would need to quickly show investors that they should maintain their faith in a family that still controls the bank even though it owns only about 2 percent of its equity. Santander shares were virtually unchanged in Madrid on Wednesday.
Mr. Botín managed to mix ruthless and rapid decision-making with “a real power of seduction” when it came to convincing his board, shareholders and politicians to back him, said Robert Tornabell Carrio, a banking professor at the Esade business school in Barcelona.
Mr. Botín was a close adviser to a succession of Spanish governments, also acting during the recent crisis years as a de facto ambassador for corporate Spain even as his own bank reduced significantly its reliance on earnings from its home market.
Ms. Botín takes the helm “incredibly well prepared, but she will still have to win support from American funds and others — and that won’t be easy,” Professor Tornabell Carrio said. Succeeding her father is “a difficult act to follow, however good you are.”
Ms. Botín is now in charge of a bank that is also probably more focused on developing its existing businesses rather than growing through takeovers, as it has shown recently in Spain. Santander has allowed other institutions to buy the country’s top struggling savings banks, noted Manuel Romera, finance professor at the IE Business School in Madrid. Banco Santander, he added, “can’t just cruise along, but it’s certainly become too big to fail.”
波亭家族第4代 安娜逆轉 掌西班牙銀行
15年前,安娜‧波亭(Ana Botin)被西班牙國際銀行(Santander)董事長趕下資深經理人的位子。這位董事長正好是她父親。如今她重回西班牙國際銀行,且在董事會一致同意下接任執行長。不過就在她正式接掌這個大位前幾個小時,父親老波亭才因心臟病發,突然過世。
金融海嘯期間擔任美國聯邦存款保險公司(FDIC)董事長的拜爾(Sheila Bair)說,安娜的姓氏不該用來評斷她有沒有接任西班牙國際銀行執行長的資格,「她就像個明星。看看她在英國的成就,她用自己的能力證明一切,任何一家銀行都會希望延攬她。她有領袖魅力、辯才無礙,具備一家國際企業高階經理人該有的能力。」
老波亭 靠併購打下江山
【編譯 楊宛盼】似乎擁有無窮精力的西班牙國際銀行董事長老波亭(Emilio Botin),總是一身筆挺西裝、帶著與西班牙國際品牌同色的招牌紅色領帶,快步走進辦公室,早上7、8點就開始一邊忙著打電話給其他主管、一邊簽寫給公司各部門的便條,帶領西班牙國際銀行成為雄霸一方的金融巨擘。
西班牙國際2004年以90億英鎊(145億美元)併購英國銀行Abbey National,為西班牙國際的跨國版圖奠定基礎。迄6月止,西班牙國際總資產高達1.2兆歐元(1.55兆美元),擁有逾18萬名員工。
2014-09-29.經濟日報.A8.國際.編譯 廖玉玲