Statistical System To Raise The Odds
By F. D. Flam
A Long Island fisherman might have died in the Atlantic Ocean after falling off his boat one day last year if not for a once obscure field known as Bayesian statistics – a set of mathematical rules for using new data to continuously update beliefs or knowledge.
The method was invented in the 18th century by an English minister named Thomas Bayes – by some accounts to calculate the probability of God’s existence. Now, Bayesian statistics has grown vastly more useful because of computing power that didn’t exist even 20 years ago. It is proving especially useful in approaching complex problems, including the search to find the fisherman, John Aldridge.
Bayesian statistics is rippling through everything from physics to cancer research, ecology to psychology. And lately, those who adhere to the Bayesian way have been thrust into an intense debate over how scientists turn data into knowledge and predictions.
Concern has been growing that some fields are not doing a very good job at this sort of analysis. In 2012, for example, a team at the biotech company Amgen announced that it had analyzed 53 cancer studies and found it could not replicate 47 of them. Similar follow-up analyses have cast doubt on so many findings in fields such as neuroscience and social science that researchers talk about a “replication crisis.”
Some are optimistic that Bayesian methods can improve the reliability of research by allowing scientists to crosscheck work done with the more traditional or “classical” approach, known as frequentist statistics.
The essence of the frequentist technique is to apply probability to data. If you suspect your friend has a weighted coin, for example, and you observe that it came up heads nine times out of 10, a frequentist would calculate the probability of getting such a result with an unweighted coin. The answer (about 1 percent) is not a direct measure of the probability that the coin is weighted; it’s a measure of how improbable the nine-in-10 result is.
By contrast, Bayesian calculations go straight for the probability of the hypothesis, factoring in not just the data from the coin-toss experiment but any other relevant information – including whether you have previously seen your friend use a weighted coin.
Frequentist statistics became the standard of the 20th century by promising objectivity. In the 2003 statistics primer “Dicing With Death,” Stephen Senn traces the technique’s roots to 18th-century England, when a physician named John Arbuthnot calculate the ratio of male to female births. Arbuthnot gathered records from 1629 to 1710 and found that in London, a few more boys were recorded every year. The odds that such an 82-year run could occur simply by chance were one in trillions.
Later in the 1700s, the astronomer Daniel Bernoulli used a similar technique to investigate the curious geometry of the solar system, in which planets orbit the sun in a flat, pancake-shaped plane. If the orbital angles were purely random the solar system would look more like a sphere than a pancake. But Bernoulli calculated that all the planets orbited within seven degrees of the plane, known as the ecliptic. Bernoulli’s calculations put the odds at about one in 13 million. This number is called a p-value, the probability that an observed phenomenon or one more extreme could have occurred by chance. Results are considered “statistically significant” if the p-value is less than 5 percent.
But there is a danger in this tradition, said Andrew Gelman of Columbia University in New York. Even if scientists did the calculations correctly accepting everything with a p-value of 5 percent means that one in 20 “statistically significant” results are random noise. The proportion of wrong results published in journals is probably higher, Dr. Gelman said, because such findings are often counterintuitive.
The Bayesian approach lends itself well to problems like searches, which involve a single incident and many different kinds of relevant data, said Lawrence Stone of Metron, a consulting firm in Virginia that works with the United States Coast Guard.
At first, all the Coast Guard knew about the fisherman lost at sea was that he fell off his boat between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. Searchers added new information to their calculations – on prevailing currents, places the search helicopters had already flown and other clues. The system continued to narrow down the search area. A searcher in a helicopter finally spotted a man clinging to buoys. He had been in the water for 12 hours; he was hypothermic but alive.
Even in the jaded 21st century, it was considered something of a miracle.
2014-10-14聯合報/G5版/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 陳世欽譯 原文參見紐時週報十版左