Dressed for the New Nation of Success
By Guy Trebay
The difficult challenge faced by men’s wear designers is how to make an impact within a narrow design compass without resorting to outright gimmickry.
That challenge was taken up earlier this month, as the men’s wear shows began, by both the fact of the season (they were showing designs for spring 2015) and the marked shift in habits among a generation of consumers entering the market, one that has a relaxed relationship to the traditional customs of the business place.
This is another way of suggesting that the office uniform of the future will likely involve a sweatshirt.
That to some extent this is already the case is obvious even at this newspaper, which, when this reviewer arrived in 2000, was largely staffed by middle-age men in white shirts and neckties and is now populated by a younger and more diverse group of journalists, most of whom are about as likely to come to the office in a suit and tie as in spelunking gear.
Designers have taken note. At showings by 10 independent designers, there were surely some structured clothes and a few halfhearted attempts by people like Jessy Heuvelink, designer for the Swedish label J. Lindeberg, to enliven a thematic – that old reliable, “rockers,” in Mr. Heuvelink’s case.
設計師注意到了。在十位獨立設計師的服裝秀上,當然有一些中規中矩的衣服,以及瑞典品牌J. Lindeberg的設計師傑西.修維林克等人一些不太熱中的嘗試,去活化一個可靠的老主題,以修維林克為例,就是「搖滾者」。
More promising, though, were efforts by designers like the talented Honduras-born Carlos Campos to locate a middle ground between traditional tailoring techniques and a naturally evolving style idiom formed from elements of both sportswear and the street. Graphically arresting, its patterns drawing inspiration from street drawings by the Spanish post-graffiti artist Eltono, Mr. Campos’s collection of neoprene bombers and short-pants suits was reminiscent of recent efforts by the Milan-based designer Neil Barrett – but with more humor.
Yet it was the sweatshirts that will be with us for some time. Fat striped slabs like road-striping were collaged onto sweatshirts in a way that made them seem not only plausible but logical to wear for either work or play. There was also something sly in the way Mr. Campos used sweatpant cuffs even on trousers, including suits.
Equally droll were a natty collection by David Hart inspired by the Palm Springs Modernists and colored in desert pastels; and another by the Argentine designer Lucio Castro, whose theme was a Soviet Summer, his play on the duality of sensual seaside pleasures sought amid the paranoid austerities of the Iron Curtain.
“Steve Jobs changed the idea of work and what ‘successful’ clothes are,” said Mr. Castro, whose models appeared before a scrim on which seaside scenes were projected. There was one suit. More interesting were quilted sweatpants and sweatshirts made from vintage beach towels with logos that read “Croatia,” “Latvia” and “Belarus.”
“For us and our friends, we know we’re not going to a suit job,” said Timo Weiland, whose namesake label (designed with Alan Eckstein and Donna Kang) presented a collection of shorts suits, flowing trousers and mackintoshes that seemed well judged for outfitting a generation of guys as comfortable doing business at the beach or a Starbucks as in a corporate conference room.
2014-09-23聯合報/G9版/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 田思怡譯 原文參見紐時週報十一版下