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Looking Into the Depths To Grasp Climate Change
By Justin Gillis

Recently, 480 kilometers off the coast of New Zealand, scientists aboard the research vessel Tangaroa gently lowered two funky-looking orange orbs into the sea. Soon they disappeared, plunging of their own accord toward the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

They were prototypes, specialized robots designed to record temperature and other conditions all the way to the sea bottom, more than five kilometers down. Every few days since that June voyage, they have been surfacing, beaming their data to a satellite, then diving again.

With luck, a fleet of hundreds like them will be prowling the ocean in a few years, and the great veil of human ignorance will lift a bit further.

In 2014, more is known about the surface of Mars than about the depths of the ocean – a handicap to scientists trying to understand how human activity is changing the planet.

The warming of the earth’s surface has slowed sharply over recent years. That slowdown did not match past computer projections of what the climate was supposed to do under the influence of greenhouse gases, and scientists have been struggling to explain it.

The natural variability of climate could be playing a big role. Another possibility is that the rapid rise of coal burning in China has temporarily slowed planetary warming. Coal releases greenhouse gases that will have a long-term warming effect, of course, but it also throws particles into the air that can reflect sunlight back to space over the short term.

Some scientists think the deep ocean is playing a significant role, absorbing heat that would otherwise be showing up at the surface. And the available evidence suggests this is the case, but measurements of the deep ocean are scant.

That is where the prototype robotic floats, developed at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in California, come in.

The idea is to supplement the older robots that are already prowling the ocean. That system, known as Argo, goes only about two kilometers deep, so it miss the bottom half of the sea.

Developing robots able to go deeper has been a technical challenge, but scientists think they are about to solve it, permitting temperature measurements of virtually the entire ocean – an achievement for science.

Surface warming has always proceeded in fits and starts, with the longest hiatus lasting roughly 30 years, from the 1940s to the 1970s.

Daniel P. Schrag, a geochemist and head of Harvard’s Center for the Environment, said the inability of scientists to explain these ups and downs highlighted a deeper problem.

At a time when people are causing profound changes on the planet, he said, governments had failed to invest enough in monitoring systems like satellites, causing gaping holes in the information that scientists have to work with. Even though they have the big picture right, they’re struggling to predict shifts that matter in the near term.

“I think the most likely thing is that we’re going to see a rapid warming in the next five or 10 years,” Dr. Schrag said, “and we still won’t know why.”
席拉格說博士說 :「我認為,最可能的狀況是,未來510年我們將目睹暖化加快速度,而我們還不知道原因何在。」


2014-09-02聯合報/G5/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 陳世欽 原文參見紐時週報十版下

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