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Drought And Heat Threaten Sequoias
By Jim Robbins

SEQUOIA NATIONAL PARK, California – High in the Sierras, biologists are struggling to find ways to protect some of the world’s oldest and most storied trees from drought, forest fires and climate change.

The trees are the giant sequoias, some of them 2,000 to 3,000 years old, and they are just one of several ancient Western species, including redwoods and bristlecone pines, that face a daunting future.
這些樹木是巨型紅杉(giant sequoias),部分樹齡已達二、三千年,同樣面臨艱險未來的西方古老樹種還包括另一種紅杉(redwoods,編按:生長在海拔較低處)與芒松。

Although the sequoias are not at immediate risk, scientists say they were not built to withstand decades of dry and warming weather. Their seedlings and saplings are susceptible to fires, which are likely to increase, especially at higher elevations. And the lack of melting snow may keep the seedlings from developing a robust root system.

“If there’s long-term drought, within 25 years, we could see seedlings in trouble,” said Nathan Stephenson, an ecologist with the United States Geological Survey. “In 50 years, the whole population could be in trouble.” Within a century, most of the big trees could be gone, he said.

Sequoias are found in only one place on earth: the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. There are 65 to 70 groves, most in a narrow 100-kilometer band on the west side of the range at 1,500 to 2,500 meters. They include one tree here called the General Sherman, the world’s largest by volume. Preservation efforts are hampered by the fact that so little is known about big trees, from their root systems to how they die.

As the climate changes, so do conditions in which sequoias and other big trees grow. The coastal redwoods of California, for example, are fog drinkers, taking as much as 40 percent of their water in through their needles. In the past half-century, the number of days in which the trees are shrouded by fog has declined by 30 percent. In some places, that appears, to be contributing to growth: With less fog cover there is more light, said Todd E. Dawson, a biologist at the University of California, Berkeley.

“We might start irrigating the sequoias,” Dr. Stephenson said, “or we might build a giant fuel break around the giant sequoias, so if a fire came toward the grove, we could defend it. These things are getting hard discussion.”

Sequoias are resilient. They have no disease or serious insect enemies, and their spongy bark, 20 centimeters thick, is highly resistant to fires. One can lose 95 percent of its crown in a fire and recover.

A novel program by Sierra Pacific Industries, a lumber producer and the largest landowner in California, has gathered cones from old-growth sequoia groves. In 2012, foresters started to plant seeds in 16 locations with different soil types, elevations and precipitation levels. Some 130,000 seedlings, are now growing from the ancient seeds. The company program is aiming to grow 1.4 million, even though sequoias have little timber value.

“The goal is to conserve the genetic diversity of the native groves” should the old trees die, the program’s coordinator, Glenn Lunak, said.

A 2012 study in the journal Science found that 100- to 300-year-old trees were dying at high rates around the world, in part because of hotter and drier weather.

“It’s a very, very disturbing trend,” said an author of the paper, Bill Laurance, an environmental scientist at James Cook University in Australia. “We are talking about the loss of the biggest living organisms on the planet, of organisms that play a key role in regulating and enriching our world.

“A world where a child can’t stare up in wonder at a giant cathedral-like crown is a very real possibility.”


VideoDavid Milarch wants to stop global warming by climbing and cloning the world’s largest trees.

2014-08-26聯合報/G5/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 陳世欽 原文參見紐時週報十版左

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