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紐時摘譯:印度人購物 市集轉網路


Shoppers in India Step From Neighborhood Bazaars to the Web
印度人購物 市集轉網路
By Max Bearak

At first, Kunal Bahl and his high school buddy Rohit Bansal had modest ambitions for their online shopping site, Snapdeal.

Online retailing was still a largely unproven endeavor in 2010, particularly in India, a country where most people don’t have bank accounts, let alone credit cards to make purchases on the Internet. When an angel investor offered $200,000 as seed money, they took only half and aimed for just 100 transactions a day.

Snapdeal is now on track to handle more than $1 billion in sales this year for over 30,000 merchants across more than 500 categories of goods and services.

“We sell a sari every 12 seconds,” Mr. Bahl said.

The rise of Indian e-commerce has captured the attention of international investors.

This year, Snapdeal has raised $233 million, with about half coming from the American Internet company eBay.

At least half a dozen other leading Indian shopping sites have announced major fund-raising deals in recent months. Flipkart, India’s largest e-commerce company, said recently that it had raised $1 billion from investors, including American firms like Tiger Global and Accel Partners.

The investment surge reflects the changing landscape in India. Internet access has rapidly expanded, mostly through mobile devices, and Indians are now shifting daily activity online.

But online shopping remains a largely untapped market. Most analysts figure that it accounts for less than 1 percent of the country’s $500 billion retail market.

By and large, India remains a bastion of the “kirana,” or neighborhood general store, as well as the roving hawkers, whose voices advertise their wares through narrow lanes. Most people tend to shop with sellers they know personally, running grains of rice through their fingers and inspecting the stitch count of shirts to determine quality. These habits, combined with the newness of the Internet and credit cards, have led to a trust gap between online retailers and their customers.

Looming large over the industry is last year’s entrance in India of Amazon. Huge American online retailers like Amazon and eBay own marketplace platforms here, which, like Snapdeal and Flipkart, connect merchants with consumers. But the country’s regulations prevent Amazon and other overseas players from selling directly to consumers. Currently, foreign investment in multi-brand retail is limited to 51 percent.

There are hints that the system may be changing. The current government is perceived as backing small business owners who fear that opening retailing to foreign behemoths will put them out of business. But Narendra Modi, India’s new prime minister, urged the industry to embrace change during his election campaign. “There is no need to fear global challenges,” Mr. Modi said, adding, “This is the age of online marketing, so accept modern science and make use of it.”


2014-08-26聯合報/G9/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 陳世欽 原文參見紐時週報八版下

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