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A Village Protects Its Fishing Heritage
By Patricia Leigh Brown

MORRO BAY, California – Anyone seeking to learn about the fishing heritage of this port city, named for the huge rock that dominates its harbor, need only walk over to the “Liar’s Bench,” where fishermen are prone to telling tall tales. Or one could visit the Morro Bay Hookers, a thriving fraternity of fish-baiters who skewer anchovies and sardines onto hooks for a living, some 400 hooks per line.

Although this city of 10,370 has become a haven for retirees and tourists, commercial fishing remains Morro Bay’s symbolic heart and a mainstay of its economy. Ever since the commercial fishery was declared a federal economic disaster in 2000, fishermen in this coastal community between Los Angeles and San Francisco have fought to hang on to their historic livelihood.

Faced with increased competition from corporate fish processors in bigger ports, fishermen here have joined forces with scientists and civic leaders to determine their own fate. In June, Morro Bay became the first community on the West Coast to do what their brethren in Cape Cod have already done: set up a community quota fund meant to give small-scale fishermen more equal footing with big-time operators.

Quota is the amount of a particular species of fish that can be caught in a geographic area, and quota rights can be expensive, with larger fishing companies easily able to squeeze out small-scale fishermen. To solve that problem, the Morro Bay Community Quota Fund was established with fishing rights worth about $2 million for roughly 90 species; individual fishermen lease rights.

With Americans eating most of their seafood from foreign waters, quota funds are an effort to keep fishermen near their home fishing grounds, and to make fishing financially viable and accessible to a younger generation.

“There is an implicit long-term value of having fishing in the community,” said Paul Parker, director of the Cape Cod Fisheries Trust, a pioneer of the concept in the United States. “It’s about saving maritime fishing heritage.”

The Morro Bay fund’s fishing rights were originally own by the Nature Conservancy, which nine years ago started buying up the permits and boats of beleaguered fishermen wanting out of the business. Together, the conservancy, fishermen and scientists began exploring ways to harvest groundfish sustainably, using gear such as hook and line and traps to replace bottom trawling, a practice that devastates the marine environment

The goal of the fund is to make quota more affordable by leasing it, which is cheaper than buying. Rob Seitz, for instance, leases quota for 25 cents a kilo for the right to catch 45,000 pounds of petrale sole a year, for a total of $12,000. If he bought quota on the open market, he said, he would pay about five times as much, with no guarantee that the price would not skyrocket the next year.

Dean E. Wendt, a biologist at California Polytechnic State University in nearby San Luis Obispo, said of the quota fund. “It helps solve a critical problem: small communities over time losing fishing as a practice.”

At the dock the other day, Mr. Seitz, 47, one of the first fishermen to take advantage of the fund and now its president, was unloading rockfish, the signature fish of Morro Bay.

Mr. Seitz, a father of four, grew up fishing in Alaska. After skippering other people’s boats for 13 years in Astoria, Oregon, he became interested in a boat for sale in Morro Bay. To buy it, he said, he needed a loan, and to qualify for a loan, he needed access to affordable quota.

“For a fisherman, a boat’s no good unless you have the fish to catch with it,” he said.


2014-07-29聯合報/G5/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 馮克芸 原文參見紐時週報十一版下

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