Post-Bailout Portugal and Its Challenges
By Raphael Minder
LISBON – Europe’s climb out of its debt crisis has been marked by a long debate on whether the austerity imposed on countries that needed international bailouts would bring more pain than relief.
Portugal’s move to exit its bailout gives new ammunition to the austerity advocates who have called for shredding European-style social safety nets that no longer seem affordable.
As practiced by Portugal, austerity meant deep cuts in public employee wages, lower pension payments and unemployment benefits and budget rollbacks in areas like education. Adding to the pain were higher personal income taxes, steeper value-added taxes and reduced reimbursements for drugs and doctor bills.
The Lisbon government and its creditors have now concluded that the country has done enough cutting that it can exit its three-year, 78 billion euro bailout program on schedule this month. But Portugal is also demonstrating that there are harsh trade-offs that leave the economy in a fragile position.
Such themes are common across Europe. The recovery is punctuated by serious problems that threaten to derail the weak economy. Unemployment remains stubbornly high. Deflation fears are mounting. And the geopolitical situation remains unstable as Europe faces potential fallout from the crisis in Ukraine.
The European Commission said recently that growth in the European Union would gain momentum through 2015. But it also warned that an unwillingness to continue reforms could threaten the recovery.
In Portugal, unemployment is still above 15 percent, higher than the euro zone average. Tens of thousands of workers have moved to Britain or Germany, as well as distant Portuguese-speaking countries like Brazil and Angola. And Portugal will still need decades to pay down the total of €738 billion ($1 trillion) in public and private debt the country has amassed.
“My estimate is that we are considerably better off than we would have been had the program not been implemented,” said Luís Cabral, a Portuguese economist and professor at New York University. “Austerity has made a positive contribution to growth.”
Having emerged last year from recession, Portugal is now expected to grow more than 1 percent both this year and next. That is about in line with the 1.2 percent growth that the European Commission forecast for the euro zone as a whole this year and 1.7 percent for 2015.
But the bailout – secured by a Socialist administration in 2011 although carried out by a center-right government that came to power only a month later in a voter revolt – has come at a high social cost. And politics could determine whether even Portugal can and will stay on this new, hard-won course.
Portugal became the third euro economy to negotiate a bailout, after Greece and Ireland. But the country was not hit by the bursting of a construction bubble, as happened to Ireland and Spain. Nor was the reliability of its government accounts ever called into question, as in Greece. Instead, Portugal suffered what its former finance minister, Vítor Gaspar, called “a bust without a boom.”
Portugal’s biggest challenge may be reining in public debt. Government debt has soared during the bailout program by almost a third, to €276 billion, or 129 percent of gross domestic product, compared with 94 percent at the end of 2010.
Portugal’s overhaul has gone far beyond fiscal tightening. Changes to labor rules have significantly lowered the cost of hiring and firing employees.
That has helped attract foreign investment. Volkswagen recently said it would spend €677 million to expand production at a factory near Lisbon.
Jobs are being created in some new sectors. Teleperformance, an outsourcing company in Paris, is helping turn Portugal into a European call center hub. Teleperformance’s call centers employ 4,600 people here compared with a staff of 1,800 in Portugal at the end of 2010, before the bailout.
And exports now represent about 40 percent of G.D.P., up from 28 percent in 2009.
Still, the austerity debate is unlikely to end.
Like many other critics of austerity, João Cravinho, a former Socialist minister, equates the tough discipline with the German government that has been its most vocal preacher.
“Making Portugal appear like a very successful case and proving that austerity works in the short term is an important political message,” he said, “Not so much for us, but more for Germany.”
2014-05-20聯合報/G9版/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 陳世欽譯 原文參見紐時週報七版右