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紐時摘譯:改善孟加拉工安 外商不同心


Garment Brands Feud Over Inspections in Bangladesh
改善孟加拉工安 外商不同心
By Steven Greenhouse and Elizabeth A. Harris

After the Spectrum sweater factory collapsed in 2005, killing 64 workers, hardly anything changed to improve factory safety in Bangladesh.

Then the Rana Plaza factory near Dhaka collapsed on April 24 last year, killing 1,129 workers in what was the worst disaster in garment industry history. And that happened just a few months after the Tazreen Fashions fire, which killed 112 workers.

Reacting to public outrage, Western retailers and apparel brands began a major push to improve safety at the Bangladeshi factories they do business with. It involves an effort to inspect hundreds of plants each month and a commitment to help correct any safety problems found.

But instead of joining forces, the Western brands have divided into two sometimes feuding camps – a result, some say, that detracts from the overall effort, which has otherwise won praise.

One group – the Bangladesh Accord for Fire and Building Safety – has more than 150 members, including many European brands like H&M, Carrefour and Mango, as well as 14 American companies.

The other group – the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety – includes 26 companies, all of them American or Canadian, among them Walmart, Gap, Target and Kohl’s.

Some members of the American-dominated alliance say that their side has performed more inspections than the European-dominated accord, while some accord members assert that the alliance’s inspections are less rigorous.

Accord members say they work closely with labor unions and have extensive input from workers, while the alliance’s members assert that the accord has not provided wages to workers who were laid off when their factory was temporarily closed after inspectors found serious problems.

The alliance has inspected 400 factories so far, and the European-dominated accord, 300. The alliance has set a goal of inspecting all of its members’ 630 Bangladeshi factories by July 10; the accord’s goal is to inspect its 1,500 factories by late October.

The inspectors have found serious problems: buildings so overloaded that their columns had cracks, flammable fabric storage areas adjoining work spaces, fire stairways leading to the factory floor rather than outside the building. The cost of fixing the problems can be substantial – from several thousand dollars for a few fire doors to $250,000 for a sprinkler system.

“We’ve found problems in every factory we’ve inspected,” said Brad Loewen, the accord’s chief safety inspector. “There are lockable gates at 90 percent of the factories, and occasionally they’re even locked when our engineers are there.”

As a result of the accord’s inspections, four factory buildings have been ordered temporarily closed for fear of collapse, while the accord has asked a government committee to close four others.

Some alliance members fault the accord for not paying wages to the more than 2,500 workers at the Softex factory when it was closed in March after accord inspectors found structural problems that needed urgent attention. The alliance says that it has a $5 million fund to pay half the wages of Bangladeshi workers laid off in such a situation. Under the accord’s rules, factory owners are supposed to pay all the lost wages, if they can.

Rezwan Selim, Softex’s chief executive, asserted that his factory was closed without due process and that the accord was not being cooperative or professional. Mr. Selim said he took out a bank loan to pay the wages after the workers engaged in protests.

Rob Wayss, the accord’s executive director for Bangladesh, said one of the accord’s signal achievements was allowing the public to see detailed inspection reports of factories, which include photos showing dangerous electrical boxes and cracks in columns.

“This showed an unprecedented level of transparency,” he said. “The purpose is to identify safety concerns and have people who work in the factory, people who own the factory and people who produce in the factory understand what needs to be fixed.”

The alliance, worried about libel lawsuits and first getting the go-ahead from Bangladeshi authorities, has not made any inspection reports public.

Unhappy about the friction between the two organizations, Ellen O. Tauscher, chairwoman of the alliance board, said: “This is really not a competition between the alliance and the accord. This is about working together to change the lives of workers in Bangladesh.”

But Dara O’Rourke, an expert on workplace monitoring at the University of California, Berkeley, said the rivalry was undeniable.

“There’s one good aspect about the competition,” he said. “It’s pushing both sides to raise the bar on what they’re doing to improve safety.”


2014-05-13聯合報/G9/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 陳世欽 原文參見紐時週報八版上

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