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紐時摘譯:素肉精益求精 幾可亂真


Perfecting the Plant Mix That Mimics Meat
素肉精益求精 幾可亂真
By Stephanie Strom

Last May, an American grocery chain recalled two types of curried chicken salad because its kitchens had accidentally confused a batch of “chick’n” salad made with a plant protein substitute with one made from real chicken, and reversed the labels.

Consumers buying the version labeled as having been made from actual chicken were instead eating vegetarian chicken salad – and thus inadvertently were exposed to soy and eggs, which are allergens.

“None of the customers apparently noticed the difference,” said Ethan Brown, founder and chief executive of Beyond Meat, which made the substitute in the product that was recalled.
回收產品中雞肉替代品的製造商「超凡肉」(Beyond Meat)公司創辦人兼執行長布朗說:「沒有顧客明顯注意到兩種產品的差別。」

The error demonstrates just how far “fake” meat has come from the days when desiccated and flavorless veggie burgers were the only option for noncarnivores.

Demand for meat alternatives is growing, fueled by trends such as vegetarianism and concerns over the impact of industrial-scale animal husbandry on the environment. The trend has also attracted a host of unlikely investors, including Biz Stone and Evan Williams of Twitter, and Bill Gates.

“I’ve tasted a few,” Mr. Gates wrote in a multimedia piece on the Beyond Meat investment that was posted to his blog, “and they’re very convincing.”

Some investors look at the development of viable meat alternatives as a sustainability issue.

“Frankly, we’ve never said we’re interested in food,” said Randy Komisar of Kleiner Perkins Caulfield Byers, a venture capital firm that has backed Google and Facebook – and Beyond Meat. “What we’re interested in is big problems needing solutions, because they represent big potential markets and strong opportunities for building great returns.”

He said his firm’s investment in Beyond Meat is intended to address problems like land and water use, stress on global supply chains and population growth.

Creating from plant proteins something that will pass as meat is complicated.

Hampton Creek Foods, a start-up working to develop egg substitutes, tested thousands of varieties of Canadian yellow peas before it identified what would mimic the functions of eggs, including emulsification. The goal? A mayonnaise that was nutritionally equivalent to one made with eggs.

Beyond Meat’s proteins come from yellow peas, mustard seeds and camellia, among other plants, and yeast. A chili made from the company’s imitation-beef Crumbles that Mr. Brown brought for a reporter to sample tasted no different from one made with ground chuck.

Mr. Brown knows that his meat substitutes and others must gain acceptance from mainstream consumers. “Our business is to create something better than meat,” he said, “otherwise we are not going to move the needle.”


2014-05-06聯合報/G5/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 田思怡 原文參見紐時週報十一版下

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