Son Shifts Autism Research’s Focus to Quest for a Drug
By Claudia Dreifus
The biochemist Ricardo E. Dolmetsch has pioneered a major shift in autism research, largely putting aside behavioral questions to focus on cell biology and biochemistry.
Dr. Dolmetsch, 45, has done most of his work at Stanford University in California, although he has taken a leave to join Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
“Pharmaceutical companies have financial and organizational resources permitting you to do things you might not be able to do as an academic,” he said. “I really want to find a drug.”
A condensed version of an interview with Dr. Dolmetsch follows.
Q. Did you start out your professional life studying the biochemistry of autism?
A. No. In graduate school and as a postdoc, I’d done basic research on the ion channels on the membranes of cells.
Then, around 2006, my son who was then 4 was diagnosed with autism. We had suspected it. He did all sorts of things that were very unusual.
Q. Given the signs, why did you wait that long to seek a diagnosis?
A. I’m from Latin America, and my Latin thing was, “This is the way boys are.” After a while, his teachers said, “You probably ought to have him seen.”
Autism, it turns out, is a whole bunch of diseases, clumped into one big group. After many confusing months, we finally heard “autism.” My response immediately was: “We’re not going to leave any stone unturned to help him.”
It turned out, however, that there weren’t many medical things to be done. There are behavioral approaches which can improve things, though none are a cure. Once we understood this, I started really changing the direction of my lab to things more directed towards autism and neurodevelopmental diseases. These include childhood epilepsy, fragile X syndrome and schizophrenia.
Q. So fate chose your research topic for you?
A. I don’t believe in “fate.” There was motivation. I started reading and realized the one big change that could give autism research some traction was the genetics revolution. Because of it, we can now identify gene mutations associated with the neurodevelopmental diseases – there are about 800 different mutations associated with autism. What’s missing, in most cases, is an understanding of what the mutations do so that we might then alter the molecular biology of the nervous system’s cells to make them function more normally.
For the best results, you need to study actual human tissue.
That got me thinking about cancer, where there’s been a revolution in treatment. When you get breast cancer – which like autism isn’t one disease – the tumor is molecularly characterized to help oncologists understand what cancer you have and what sort of treatments will work against it. Could we find something similar for the neurodevelopmental diseases?
Q. There’s no way to obtain brain tissue samples from living children with autism. Is this a stumbling block for your research?
A. Yes. But there’s a way around it. Shinya Yamanaka [who won a Nobel Prize in 2012] has been reprogramming human skin cells to become stem cells and thus all kinds of other cells, including the cells of the nervous system. Thanks to him, we can now make nerve cells that look like the neurons of a human embryo. If you could take skin cells from an autistic child and turn them into neurons, we might be able to understand what kind of autism the child has and what chemical fixes might help.
Q. You do a lot of fieldwork with actual patients. Why do it?
A. You get a lot of information when you actually talk to parents. I’m convinced this research is most effective when you start with the patients.
Another thing: I find that meeting families is motivating. There is a big difference between working on some sort of associated mutation and actually meeting somebody affected.
2014-04-08聯合報/G5版/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 陳世欽譯 原文參見紐時週報十版下