Maestros Confront Coughing
By Corinna da Fonsecz-Wollheim
Trying to suppress a cough during a musical performance is an unpleasant experience. But so is being reprimanded by the performer onstage.
At a Chicago Symphony Orchestra concert in November, the guest conductor Michael Tilson Thomas dealt with a bronchial audience by tossing cough lozenges into the crowd in between movements of Mahler’s Ninth. After giving a marathon recital of Bach and Beethoven to a reverentially silent Boston crowd earlier that month, the pianist Andras Schiff stopped in the middle of his encore to address a cougher in the audience.
“I am giving you a gift,” he scolded the embarrassed offender. “Don’t spoil it.”
That’s also the message the jazz pianist Keith Jarrett relays to his audiences, only his exact words are not printable here.
In this anything-goes age, it seems as if coughing in concerts is one of the last universally reviled forms of high-culture hooliganism. That vilification rests on the assumption that a person can control a cough, hold it in until a less exposed moment.
At the beginning of a recent performance of Handel’s “Messiah” at Carnegie Hall, coughs rippled through the audience like “bullfrogs calling to one another at night from different parts of the swamp,” to borrow the image coined by the pianist Susan Tomes.
Musicians feel all it takes is the threat of violence or humiliation to quell the coughing.
To what extent should performers acknowledge such disturbances in the audience? Is it not one of the hallmarks of a live performance that it feeds off the energy in the room?
These questions are difficult to answer because the social contract at the heart of a musical performance is constantly being redefined.
An 18th-century performer was keenly attuned to the goings-on in the (brightly lit) auditorium and expected to acknowledge, for instance, the arrival of an august patron in one of the boxes. The ideal of a reverentially silent audience, plunged into darkness and wearing, as George Bernard Shaw once put it, its “churchiest expression” while the music plays, goes back only as far as the 19th century. Today, reverence toward anything – “churchiness” itself – is in limited supply. So is silence.
The conditions of the recording studio have accustomed both audiences and performers to an acoustic ideal. Nonetheless, living, breathing, rustling bodies that we are, the music is diminished without us there. The ideal silence is not one resulting from absence, but the silence created by a crowd of attentive listeners.
The conductor Simon Rattle expressed that nicely when he addressed another fit of coughing in 2007. “This piece starts with silence and returns to silence,” he told the crowd. “The audience can help to create the piece by remaining silent.”
When we in the audience start seeing silence as our own special assignment, we become more willing to suffer for it. But our silence is our own gift to the Keith Jarretts and Andras Schiffs of this world and may have been achieved at great cost. It’s not their entitlement.
2014-02-18聯合報/G9版/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 張佑生譯 原文參見紐時週報十二版左