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紐時摘譯:海上風力發電 日本新選項


Floating Windmills Raise Energy Prospects in Japan
海上風力發電 日本新選項

By Hiroko Tabuchi

OFF THE COAST OF FUKUSHIMA, Japan – Twenty kilometers out to sea from the severely damaged and leaking nuclear reactors at Fukushima, a giant floating wind turbine signals the start of Japan’s most ambitious bet yet on clean energy.

When this 100-meter-tall windmill begins operating this month, it is expected to generate enough electricity to power 1,700 homes. But the goal is to generate over 1 gigawatt of electricity from 140 wind turbines by 2020. That is equivalent to the power generated by a nuclear reactor.

Japan has been forced to look more seriously at renewable power after its multiple nuclear meltdowns at Fukushima in 2011. All Japan’s 50 reactors are all currently down, awaiting inspections.

The windmill project’s backers say that offshore windmills could be a breakthrough for this energy-poor nation. They would enable Japan to use a resource it possesses in abundance: its coastline, which is longer than that of the United States.

The project is also a bid to seize the initiative in an industry expected to double over the next five years to a global capacity of 536 gigawatts, according to the industry trade group Global Wind Energy Council.

“It’s Japan’s biggest hope,” said Hideo Imamura, a spokesman for the company Shimizu. “It’s an all-Japan effort, almost 100 percent Japan-made.”

What sets the project apart from other offshore wind farms around the world, is that its turbines, and even the substation and electrical transformer equipment, float on giant platforms anchored to the seabed. That technology greatly expands potential locations for offshore wind farms.

Harnessing wind in deeper waters off Japan could generate as much as 1,570 gigawatts of electricity, roughly eight times the current capacity of all of Japan’s power companies combined, according to computer simulations at Tokyo University.

But Paul J. Scalise, also at the University of Tokyo, said forecasts needed to be adjusted for load factors, disruptions to sea lanes and opposition from fishermen. He estimates Japan’s offshore wind generation potential is far lower.

“We shouldn’t forget the obvious reality check,” he said. “The farther from the coast they place these floating wind farms, the more expensive it becomes to build them and transmit the power back to Japan.”

Nine-tenths of Japan’s potential capacity to generate clean energy comes from wind energy, according to the Environment Ministry. Norway and Portugal are also experimenting with small-scale, floating wind farms, but Japan’s project is set to be the largest.

The biggest challenge for the Fukushima project comes from local fishermen, who have not been able to fish since the disaster and who fear that the project will take away their fishing grounds.

Cost is another big issue. Building the first three turbines comes to about $20,000 a kilowatt, about eight times the cost of building a wind turbine on land.

Durability is the third large question mark. Shimizu, the construction company, says the turbine’s blades have been designed to last at least two decades. But Mr. Imamura at Shimizu acknowledges no one is certain how long, or how well, the turbines will hold up.

But the possible rewards are exciting executives. Yasuhiro Sato, chief of Mizuho Financial Group, told a government panel this year that the roughly 20,000 parts used in offshore wind turbines could add billions of yen to Japan’s economy.


2013-11-12聯合報/G9/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 陳世欽 原文參見紐時週報七版上

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