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Harnessing Waves to Generate Power

By Mark Scott

STROMNESS, Scotland – As sailors and engineers gathered at the harbor here on the Scottish island of Mainland, Orkney, Timo Lotti was impatient to get to sea.

Mr. Lotti, the chief operating officer of Wello, a Finnish wave energy start-up, had just arrived from his home outside Helsinki and was eager to assess the company’s wave energy machine after months of testing under the harsh wave conditions offshore.

“If we don’t face surprises, we aren’t learning,” said Mr. Lotti, a native of Finland, as he directed a 15-man team responsible for towing the 30-meter-long device back to shore. (It sustained minor damage.)

Visits from afar are common by now in remote Orkney, population 20,000, a far-northern Scottish archipelago whose main island has been at the leading edge of wave and tidal energy research for a decade. The British, Scottish and local governments have promoted its stormy coast and rough open seas, as ideal places for testing innovations in wave and tidal energy generation a technology that analysts predict has the potential to provide as much as 15 percent of the electricity generated in the United States in the next two decades. Both start-ups and large industrial companies like Alstom of France are entering the fledgling market.

“We’re still in the very early days, but momentum is building,” said Neil Kermode, managing director of the European Marine Energy Center, a testing site opened in Orkney in 2003. “If any country has a coastline, wave or tidal energy will be in the mix.”

With government money totaling almost $60 million, the center has installed undersea cables to testing berths off the Orkney coast to connect marine energy devices to the local electricity network; its staff has doubled in the last three years to 22.

As the center has grown, marine energy companies, including environmental consulting firms and shipping contractors, have followed. “Marine energy is hugely important for the future of Orkney,” said Michael Morrison, business development manager at the Orkney Islands’ local government, who is helping oversee $25 million of infrastructure investment aimed at wave and tidal companies.

A 40-minute boat ride north of Kirkwall, Orkney’s largest town, lies the Fall of Warness, the European Marine Energy Center’s hub for tidal energy companies.

It is also home to a floating machine more than 30 meters long made by made by Scotrenewables Tidal Power. The device generates energy from propellers that rotate just below the water’s surface.

The start-up was founded in Orkney in 2002 and has already signed up large industrial partners, including ABB of Switzerland and the French oil and gas company Total.

“If our technology can survive in Orkney, it can survive anywhere,” said James Murray of Scotrenewables. “Nowhere else in the world can you find so many companies testing tidal and wave devices.”


2013-10-22聯合報/G9/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 馮克芸 原文參見紐時週報八版下

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