Philippines’ Prosperity Skips the Poor
菲律賓日漸繁榮 窮人沒分
By Floyd Whaley
MANILA – At his vegetable stand here, Lamberto Tagarro is surrounded by gleaming skyscrapers, through which a river of luxury vehicles flows.
“The Philippines is the rising tiger economy of Asia,” said Mr. Tagarro, who earns the equivalent of $5 a day. “But only the rich people are going up and up. I’m not feeling it.”
The Philippines, with a 7.8 percent expansion of gross domestic product in the first quarter of 2013, has the fastest-growing economy in East Asia. The country has a red-hot stock market, a strong currency and a steady stream of upgrades from international ratings agencies.
But Mr. Tagarro’s experience of being left behind by the country’s newfound prosperity mirrors that of many Filipinos, according to the latest data.
An estimated seven million Filipinos, about 17 percent of the work force, have gone overseas in search of jobs, according to the Asian Development Bank.
The country’s unemployment rate increased to 7.5 percent in April, from 6.9 percent at the same time a year earlier. About three million Filipinos who want to work are unemployed.
In his first three years in office, President Benigno S. Aquino III removed high-level government officials accused of corruption, cracked down on tax evaders and aggressively courted foreign investment. He has had less success in addressing the country’s persistent, widespread poverty.
The Philippines still has a strong service sector, and recently overtook India as a top provider of offshore call centers. But the country lacks the manufacturing base that has lifted millions of people out of poverty in other Asian countries.
The latest data on poverty shows almost no improvement since 2007. About 10 percent of Filipinos live in extreme poverty.
According to government estimates, more than nine million extremely poor Filipino households cannot earn the 5,460 pesos, or $135, needed each month to eat. That amount is about the same as the price of a back-row upper-level ticket to the recent Aerosmith concert in Manila.
A recent survey by a Manila polling group found that 19.2 percent of respondents, about 3.9 million families, reported going hungry. That was up from 16.3 percent in December.
Rural poverty is particularly acute. Hardest hit is the fishing sector, which has shrunk.
Joel Cesista, a 26-year-old fisherman who supports his wife and infant son, lives west of Manila. He cannot find factory work and has no land to farm, so he embarks on a dangerous effort to find tuna 320 kilometers out into the South China Sea about twice a month, earning about $200 on a good trip. “There is no permanent work here,” Mr. Cesista said. “All we have is fishing.”
When expenses exceed the catch, he is paid nothing. Often he is just glad to make it home alive. “We have almost sunk in storms,” he said.
Since 2008, with the support of international organizations, the government has had a conditional cash-transfer program that gives money to the country’s poorest people in return for actions such as keeping their children in school.
The program, which helps almost four million families, has received positive reviews, but it has also been besieged by accusations of corruption and has not shown an effect on national poverty figures.
Julita Cabading, 56, had hoped for aid. She said she had not been able to find work as an accountant because employers preferred to hire younger people, and she could not afford training to improve her job skills.
Mrs. Cabading earns about $3 a day selling newspapers and gum in Manila. When she applied for aid, she was told she would need to wait at home as long as two months for an interview.
She has since taken out a loan and is now in a common trap, working at subsistence wages, without government help, to survive and pay off loans.
“The Philippines is improving,” Ms. Cabading said. “But it hasn’t reached me yet.”
2013-07-09聯合報/G9版/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 陳世欽譯 原文參見紐時週報七版右