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紐時摘譯:阿富汗婦女 破騎車禁忌


Women in Afghanistan, Cycling Past a Taboo
阿富汗婦女 破騎車禁忌

By Jed Lipinski


In November, Shannon Galpin was riding her single-speed mountain bike through the hills outside Kabul. It was her 11th visit to Afghanistan, and she had grown accustomed to the sight of camel caravans, abandoned Soviet tanks and soldiers sweeping the desert for land mines.

One thing she had not seen was another woman on a bicycle. But one afternoon a barista at a local cafe told Galpin that not only were Afghan women riding bikes, they had formed their own national cycling team.

Dressed in long pants and full sleeves, with headscarves tucked beneath their helmets, they practiced on the highways before dawn on dated road bikes, accompanied by the coach of the men’s cycling team.

“I couldn’t believe it,” said Galpin, a 38-year-old former Pilates instructor from Breckenridge, Colorado. “I’d been in the most liberal areas of the country, and I’d never even seen a little girl on a bike, let alone a grown woman.”

For women in Afghanistan, riding a bicycle is taboo. What is considered appropriate behavior varies from one family and community to the next, but women riding bicycles is “generally considered immoral,” said Heather Barr, an Afghanistan researcher for Human Rights Watch.

In the hierarchy of cultural offenses committed by women, it ranks between driving a car and so-called moral crimes, which include running away from home or being spotted in the company of a man.

Ms. Galpin, who claims to be the first woman to have ridden a mountain bike through the Afghan countryside, decided to help the cyclists.

In April, she returned to Afghanistan to distribute more than 40 duffel bags worth of cycling gear to the men and women’s national cycling teams. The items include bicycle tools, seats, shoes and about 200 jerseys.

To document the event, Ms. Galpin took along a crew to make a short film about the women’s team titled “Afghan Cycles.”

Despite having received death threats, many of the female cyclists are eager to speak publicly about the team, Ms. Galpin said.

“They’re no different than women in Afghanistan who risk their lives to attend school or run for Parliament,” she said.

Ms. Galpin first went to Afghanistan in 2008. Since then, Mountain2Mountain, a non-profit organization she founded in 2006 to aid women in conflict zones, has built a heroin rehabilitation center for women and computer labs for girls’ schools in Kabul, among other projects.

Ms. Galpin’s commitment to women’s rights evolved after she was raped and stabbed at age 17 while walking through a park in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she was studying modern dancer. “For years, I was petrified that I’d be defined as a victim,” she said during a recent visit to New York. “I didn’t realize that victimhood could also be a source of strength.”

Afghanistan has 45 licensed female cyclists. Some of these riders participated in the Asian cycling championships, held in New Delhi in March, though four of them failed to finish.

“The fact that they were at the start line is a victory of sorts,” said Dominique Raymond of the International Cycling Union, the world governing body of cycling.

Salma Kakar, 16, a cyclist on the Afghan women’s team, recently announced her intent to wave the flag of Afghanistan at the Olympics.

The first step is to get some proper equipment. “The bike company Giro donated a bunch of helmets and shoes,” Ms. Galpin said. “But the girls need money to train, to travel to races and to afford coaches who can teach them basic stuff like how to ride in a pack.

“Once they’ve all finished a race,” she added, “they can start trying to win one.”


2013-06-04聯合報/G5/UNITEDDAILYNEWS王麗娟譯 原文參見紐時週報十一版右


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