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In Paris a Local Plan for Success

By Liz Alderman


PARIS – Mourad Benamer remembers the day his parents first visited the sleek new sushi restaurant he opened near the Champs-Élysées. Mr. Benamer had broken out of the rough suburb, or banlieue, where he grew up in a family of poor immigrants just northeast of Paris.

“We came from a place where there was injustice and a lack of opportunity,” Mr. Benamer, 36, recalled. But there he was in 2007, with his mother pointing to truffle-and-foie-gras maki being rolled out to patrons at Eat Sushi, which has since expanded to a chain of 38 restaurants.

For decades, the disadvantaged suburbs that ring large French cities have been plagued by discrimination and poverty. France has long vowed to improve the plight of the banlieue populations, primarily people with family roots in the colonial past. But critics say little has changed.

That is why a new generation of people like Mr. Benamer is trying to turn the suburbs into incubators for entrepreneurs.

They have been founding “angel” investment funds, persuading big French companies to contribute seed money that fuels start-ups. “If we wait for the government to do something, people will just remain stuck,” Mr. Benamer said. “If we want things to improve, we have to do it ourselves.”

As part of the self-help effort, banlieue-based organizations have been placing minorities into mentoring and jobs programs at French companies that as little as a decade ago routinely rejected applicants with non-French names.

Majid El Jarroudi, a 36-year-old consultant of Moroccan origin who grew up in the Paris banlieue of Montreuil, founded an organization, Adive, to assist banlieue entrepreneurs. Attitudes have shifted slowly in France, he said, but “there is a growing recognition that the banlieues should not be seen as a place to fear, but as a source of dynamism, full of people who are eager to work and to succeed.”

Mr. Benamer is a case in point. One in a family of 10 children, with illiterate parents, he grew up in the gritty Bondy suburb. After getting a vocational degree at 18, he started a sandwich business with his younger brother, Yahia. Working 13-hour days, they were quickly selling more than 2,000 sandwiches a day. In 2006, the brothers co-founded Eat Sushi. Last year, an angel investment fund, Citizen Capital, took a 30 percent stake, with plans to double by 2015 the number of stores and sales that last year topped 20 million euros (about $26 million). Today, Eat Sushi employs 550 people.

“Look at us – we’re Moroccans selling Japanese sushi to the French,” said Mr. Benamer. “If we had allowed ourselves to be stigmatized, France would lose out.”

François Hollande, elected president a year ago, has vowed to create jobs and improve education in banlieues, where unemployment averages 22 percent (compared with 10.5 percent nationally). But as he struggles to extract France from the economic malaise, a state solution to the economic problems of the banlieues may remain elusive.

For those seeking a path out, the road is difficult. In France, one in two businesses folds after five years. But in the banlieues, half of all new businesses close within three years.

Raoul Sodjinou, a 41-year-old native of the West African country of Benin, pursued his dream of setting up a cosmetics boutique for dark-skinned women in Saint-Denis, another banlieue.

Mr. Sodjinou in 2008 obtained a loan of 300,000 euros from Business Angels des Cites, a banlieue-based investment fund, to open what he hoped would be the first of 30 stores.

But he lacked access to French business culture and his inexperience hurt him. He situated his shop at the wrong end of a Métro exit, and the boutique attracted little foot traffic. And in a neighborhood with limited spending power, the 16 euro eyeliners and other premium products he had were simply too expensive.

With sales slow, he said Business Angels was now wary of lending him additional money to relocate.

Mr. Sodjinou refuses to give up. “Coming from the banlieue and from a modest background gave me a huge energy,” he said. “Those who say stop – that’s not me.”

Mr. Benamer said he thought the government had a responsibility. But, he added, “it’s up to us to make the change. If we don’t send that message to others, then who will?”


VideoFrench Entrepreneurs Strive for Success: As immigrant enclaves in the Parisian suburbs struggle with 30 percent youth unemployment, some entrepreneurs are trying to build businesses that will create jobs for their communities.

2013-05-28聯合報/G9/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 陳世欽譯 原文參見紐時週報八版左


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