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The iPad as a Hand-Held Darkroom


By Nick Bilton


I’ve been in and out of relationships with dozens of film cameras as a result of my passion for photography. In the late 1990s, I snapped so many photos that I ended up building a darkroom in the corner of my living room in Brooklyn. There, standing amid long, dark strips of film under the glow of a dim red light, I spent countless hours mixing pungent chemicals and developing and printing photographs.

Now, my camera bag is all digital, and my darkroom is 19 centimeters wide and 24 centimeters long: an Apple iPad.

The chemicals I used have been replaced by a USB connector that allows me to transfer my photos from any digital camera into the iPad in seconds.

What inspired me to jump from film to digital was immediacy – or impatience. In the old days, I’d have to finish a roll of film, get home, develop it, then wait. With digital, you snap a picture and there it is, like magic, on the back of your digital camera. With the iPad as a darkroom, it’s also editable immediately.

Editing your photos on an iPad instead of a conventional laptop also means you can carry one device fewer on your travels. Although most applications on the iPad will shrink the size and therefore the quality of your images when you import them, there are apps that can deal with full-size images. You can even connect wirelessly to printers intended to work with the iPad.

For older iPads with a 30-pin connection, Apple sells the $29 Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit. It comes with two connectors that plug directly into the iPad’s base. One has a USB cable slot, which works with almost any camera, and the other has a slot for SD memory cards.

There are also many less expensive third-party connectors, including a 2-in-1 Camera Connection Kit ($10) from Amazon.

The cables for newer iPads, with the lighting connector, are overpriced, with each connector costing $30.

The immediacy of digital has pushed photographers to want to edit their photos and then share them right away. Many applications allow you to do this, some free and some costing about $20.

SnapSeed ($5) is an app made specifically for multitouch photo-editing. Sliding your finger up and down on the screen will allow you to alter the image. A feature called Selective Adjust allows you to tweak the lighting in specific areas.

Apple’s iPhoto application ($5) for the iPad also has some advanced features. You can apply filters, turning a color photo into a sepia image.

If you’re in a rush, “auto-enhance” will try to improve the image for you. There are also brushes that pop out from the bottom of the screen, making your iPad feel like a painter’s palette. These can be used to remove red-eye and soften or sharpen an image.

Adobe, the big maker of graphics and photoediting software, offers two photo-specific iPad applications. Photoshop Express, which is free, has some limited editing features, like adjusting tint, saturation and exposure. Advanced users will want to try Photoshop Touch ($10), which offers similar controls to Adobe software on a standard computer – layers, curves, the ability to add text, and other advanced features. But be warned: the app is somewhat confusing to navigate.
繪圖及相片編修軟體製造大廠Adobe專為iPad提供了兩個應用軟體,其一是免費的Photoshop Express,配備一些陽春的編修功能,例如調整色彩濃淡、飽和度及曝光度。高階使用者會想嘗試訂價10美元的Photoshop Touch,它提供了類似標準電腦上都有的Adobe軟體功能:圖層、色調曲線、可添加文字等功能。但容我提醒,這個應用程式在操控上有點讓人摸不著頭緒。

For photographers who want to take iPad editing to another level, there are more advanced – and expensive – options.

Jeff Carlson, author of the book “The iPad for Photographers,” sometimes bypasses the iPad camera connection kit in favor of an EyeFi SD card and an app called ShutterSnitch ($16). EyeFi cards, which range from $40 to $100 depending on speed and memory size, can connect directly with your iPad wirelessly.
《給攝影家用的iPad》一書作者卡爾森有時放著iPad相片連接器組不用,反而喜歡用EyeFi SD卡,以及一個16美元的應用程式ShutterSnitchEyeFi SD卡價格從40100美元不等,依速度和記憶體大小而定,可直接無線連上iPad

There is one area that most app makers and digital camera companies seem to have neglected: black and white. In most instances, shooting black and white on digital cameras can feel like making a pizza in a microwave: it looks like a pizza, but it’s just not right.
多數應用程式製造商及數位相機公司似乎都忽略了一個面向:黑白照片。用數位相機拍黑白照片,多半感覺像是用微波爐做披薩 做出來的東西像披薩,但就是不對勁。

Once in a while I will shoot a roll of black-and-white film on an old camera. Then off I go to a darkroom to get it developed. Now, while I sit waiting amid those pungent and familiar smells, I have my digital darkroom with me, and I edit photos on my iPad while the chemicals work their magic.



2013-01-22聯合報/G5/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 馮克芸譯 原文參見紐時週報十版右

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