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紐時摘譯:電源帶著走 手機不愁斷電

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Mobile Power Sources Fill in for Wall Sockets

電源帶著走 手機不愁斷電

By Kate Murphy


You may know people so smitten with their smartphones and tablets that they feel a kind of angst when their devices’ batteries are getting low. Think tremors and rending of garments.

If you happen to be one of those people, you might consider buying a backup battery for recharging on the go. The market for these mobile power sources has grown exponentially in the last two years, with more compact and more powerful options available that allow you to recharge hundreds of times. Which is best depends on how much power you want and how much weight you are willing to carry.

“Mobile chargers are becoming one of our most popular categories,” said Victor Setton, the chief executive of Mobile City in Manhattan, who bought one himself after he missed critical moments of extended play at the United States Open because he left the match to recharge his phone. “Everybody has had moments like that when you are watching your phone power down and it’s killing you.”

First, determine how much standby power you need. Battery capacity is measured in milliampere hours (mAh). The more milliampere hours a battery has, the longer it will run. Most smartphone batteries have a capacity of 1,500 to 2,100 mAh while tablet batteries are in the 6,000 to 11,000 mAh range. To fully recharge these devices, you need an auxiliary source that meets or exceeds that capacity.

For a quick charge to give you a couple of hours until you can get to a wall socket, go with something small, inexpensive and lightweight like the 1,800 mAh Triple C Power Mate Plus ($29), which plugs directly into an iPhone 3GS, 4 or 4S; the company, Triple C Designs, is working on one that will be compatible with an iPhone 5. The device is about the size of a makeup compact, weighs 34 grams and comes in various designs.
想找快速充電器,讓你在有牆上插座可用之前擋個幾小時,請找小、輕、不貴的產品,例如1800mAh、定價29美元的Triple C Power Mate Plus,可直接插上iPhone 3GSiPhone4iPhone 4S,約是化妝粉餅盒大小,重34克,有多種造型。Triple C正在研發生產iPhone5可用的充電器。

The 2,200 mAh MiPow Power Tube ($39) is compatible with a wider range of mobile devices and will completely charge a smartphone. Encased in what looks like brushed aluminum, it weighs 71 grams and is the size of a cigarette lighter. There are larger-capacity Power Tubes up to the 5,500 mAh version ($99), which weighs 136 grams and can charge a smartphone a twice or charge a tablet 50 percent.
另一個與許多行動設備相容的充電器,是能讓行動電話充飽電、2200mAh、訂價39美元的MiPow Power Tube。它有拉絲鋁的外殼,重71克,約打火機大小。還有最高達5500mAh的較高容量充電器Power Tubes,訂價99美元,重136克,可給一支智慧型手機充兩次電,或給平板電腦充50%的電量。

For more charging capacity, take the HyperJuice Mini ($100), which is about as big as a smartphone but thicker, weighs 238 grams and delivers 7,200 mAh. It also has the advantage of multiple charging ports so that two mobile devices can be charged at the same time, as long as they are USB compatible.
至於容量更高的充電器,以HyperJuice Mini為例,訂價100美元,約與智慧型手機同大,但更厚一點,重238克,供電量達7200mAh。這個充電器還有個優點,充電埠不只一個,可同時給兩個行動設備充電,只要設備本身與USB相容即可。

HyperJuice offers battery chargers with progressively larger capacities up to 61,000 mAh ($450). That charger is about the size of a thick paperback book and weighs about two kilograms. It is compatible only with Apple products but has enough power to keep a MacBook going 32 hours, extend iPad battery life an additional 89 hours or fully recharge an iPhone up to 52 times.

For those who prefer not to keep track of another device, there are charging sleeves that snap onto the devices they already have. Mophie is the leading provider of iPhone charging cases with its popular Juice Pack Air ($80). It has a 1,500 mAh capacity and adds 71 grams to the weight of an iPhone 4 or 4S. An iPhone 5 version is expected early this year.
不想分神去留意另一個裝置身在何處的人,可選擇直接套在行動電話或平板電腦上的充電設備。Mophie是供應iPhone充電殼的領導廠商,該公司產品Juice Pack Air深受歡迎,每只80美元。它的容量1500mAh,套在iPhone 44S外,增加71克。跟iPhone5搭配的充電殼預定今年初上市。

For Android users, there is PowerSkin, with 1,500 mAh charging cases for a variety of smartphones. They cost $40 to $80, with discontinued models selling for as little as $5.

If you want an iPad charging case, there is the KudoCase ($130), which relies partly on solar power.

The Powermonkey Extreme ($200), also has a solar component, with a separate solar panel for recharging off the grid. The 9,000 mAh Powermonkey weighs 241grams without the solar panel.
定價200美元的The Powermonkey Extreme也有太陽能供電功能,它另有一個分開的太陽能板,可供充電。9000mAhPowermonkey,不算太陽能板的重量是241克。

Finally, there are also mobile chargers that come in special bags with pockets to contain cords and devices, so you do not have to spread everything out on a table. The Timbuk2 Power Commute ($199) has faux fur-lined pockets, as well as the included 3,600 mAh charger. There are also little openings between pockets through which the charger cables can be threaded, and a nifty organizer pocket for partitioning pens, change, business cards and other small stuff.
最後還有一種提袋型行動充電器,內附幾個裝了電線和設備的小口袋,讓你不必把所有東西都攤在桌上。Timbuk2 Power Commute定價199美元,有幾個人造毛皮襯裡的口袋,內附一個3600mAh的充電器。每個口袋之間有可放充電器電線的小通道,還有個漂亮的整理袋,可隔開存放筆、零錢、名片和其他小東西。


2013-01-22聯合報/G9/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 馮克芸譯 原文參見紐時週報十版左

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