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紐時摘譯:大吉嶺茶 打名稱保衛戰


A Proper Cup of Tea Receives a Proper Label

大吉嶺茶 打名稱保衛戰

By Jim Yardley


DARJEELING, India – Among connoisseurs, few teas surpass Darjeeling. The smooth and mellow taste commands a premium price, and the name itself evokes a bygone era when the British first introduced Chinese tea plants here in the Indian foothills of the Himalayas.

To Anil K. Jha, the superintendent of the Sungma Tea Estate, all this would be good for business, except that much of the tea sold as Darjeeling is not grown here. Foreign wholesalers often put the name on a blend of the real stuff and lesser teas. And in some cases, growers elsewhere simply slap on a Darjeeling label.

So Mr. Jha and other Darjeeling rowers have followed the example of Scottish whiskey distillers and French wineries, winning legal protection for the Darjeeling label under laws that limit the use of certain geographic names to products that come from those places.

In a decision this year, the European Union agreed to phase out the use of “Darjeeling” on blended teas. Now, just as a bottle of Cognac must come from the region around the French town of Cognac, a cup of Darjeeling tea will have to be made only from tea grown around Darjeeling.

“That flavor, that uniqueness that comes from here – it is nowhere else,” Mr. Jha said as he stood among tea bushes on a hillside about 1,500 meters above sea level, near the border with Nepal. “People have tried to replicate it, but have failed,” he said.

The uniqueness of Darjeeling as a place certainly seems beyond dispute. On clear days, the white peaks of Kanchenjunga, the world’s third-highest mountain after Everest and K2, floats over the hilltop city like an ethereal fortress. Beyond the clamor of the city, many of the steep surrounding foothills are carpeted with tea estates, some planted more than 160 years ago when a British surgeon found that tea bushes thrived in the region’s alpine setting.

Reaching down to pluck a leaf from a tea bush planted more than a century earlier, Mr. Jha gestured toward the surrounding foothills. “Here, we are not doing anything,” he said. “It is all God-gifted.”

The mountainous terrain, however, limits production. India produces almost a billion kilograms of tea annually, more than any other country, but Darjeeling accounts for only about 1 percent of that. The Darjeeling district has 87 certified tea gardens, as they are locally known, producing about nine million kilograms of tea every year, and the potential for expansion is almost nil.
不過,這片多山的高地限制了產量。印度每年生產近10億公斤茶葉,比任何國家都多,不過,大吉嶺茶大約只占了百分之一。大吉嶺區有87家獲認證的「茶園」,當地人都這麼稱呼(指tea garden一詞),每年約生產900萬公斤茶葉,而且幾乎沒有擴充的可能。

That is why local tea growers grew annoyed that as much as 40 million kilograms of tea were being sold as Darjeeling on the global market each year.

To fight back, the Tea Board designated Darjeeling as a “geographical indication” for tea that is recognized by the World Trade Organization. Indian tea officials negotiated agreements with various countries to ensure the status of the Darjeeling name was respected. A deal was struck in 2012 to phase out blended Darjeeling in Europe within five years.

“In the case of Darjeeling tea, it was accepted that there was specificity that is unique – and geographically based,” said João Cravinho, the European Union’s ambassador to India. “Tea produced anywhere else will have different characteristics.”


SlideshowPreserving the Darjeeling Name

2013-01-01聯合報/G9/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 田思怡譯 原文參見紐時週報六版上

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