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紐時摘譯:大學之門 不再非進不可

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Ivory Tower Spurned

大學之門 不再非進不可

By Tom Brady

With anemic job growth around the world and educated young people struggling to start their careers, some are beginning to wonder if it’s all worth it.

All that education, they mean.

In lieu of completing a four-year degree, a growing group of young Americans are turning to groups like UnCollege, which promotes a do-it-yourself approach to education, or taking advantage of massive open online courses known as MOOCs, which stream classes from elite universities.

And like some of the world’s best-known and richest entrepreneurs – Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Bill Gates – they are dropping out after a year or so.
就和世上幾位最出名也最富有的創業家 祖克柏、賈伯斯、戴爾及蓋茲一樣,他們也都差不多念了一年大學就輟學了。

“Here in Silicon Valley, it’s almost a badge of honor,” Mick Hagen, 28, told The Times. Mr. Hagen dropped out of Princeton University in New Jersey in 2006 and moved to San Francisco, where he started Undrip, a mobile app. He is recruiting workers now, and insists dropouts are freethinkers and risk takers.

“College puts a lot of constraints, a lot of limitations around what you can and can’t do,” Mr. Hagen told The Times. “Some people, they want to stretch their arms, get out and create more, do more.”

Though studies show college graduates earn more than those without degrees, and that the odds are long for becoming rich from writing a popular app for the iPhone, the true believers are not dissuaded.

“Education isn’t a four-year program,” Benjamin Goering, who left the University of Kansas two years ago and moved to San Francisco to work as a software engineer, told The Times. “It’s a mindset.”

The biggest problem with higher education, Kevin Carey wrote in The Times, is that there are no meaningful standards for academic quality. Mr. Carey reported how college athletes – the best of whom drop out after a season to pursue professional careers, referred to as “one and done” – can earn three credits from 10-day courses offered by special schools to maintain eligibility. He blames this loophole, which is legal, on the outmoded American system originating after World War II that measures a student’s progress by credit hours – 120 credit hours are generally needed for graduation – which does little to measure student learning. A study published last year, Mr. Carey wrote, “found that many students at traditional colleges showed no improvement in critical thinking, complex reasoning and writing, and spent their time socializing, working or wasting time instead of studying.”

Meanwhile in Florida, Governor Rick Scott and Republican lawmakers are pushing Florida’s 12 state universities to train students in fields where there are jobs, such as engineering, science, health care and technology, The Times reported. Liberal arts majors, like historians, philosophers and English majors, are not so much in demand. Florida is also proposing lowering the amount a student would pay for a degree in engineering or biotechnology.

Still, some are perfectly happy with liberal arts degrees, even if they are pursuing a profession outside their field.

Calvin Kyrkostas, 25, graduated with a history degree from Oberlin College in Ohio, and now works on a farm on the east end of Long Island. He got into agriculture after working on a  Missouri farm one summer in college and felt pride in the accomplishment that came with seeing – and eating – the fruits of his labor after 15-hour workdays.

And don’t forget the tractor.

“I’m not a country boy, so it was cool to be able to hop on a John Deere,” Mr. Kyrkostas told The Times. “It’s like every little boy’s dream to drive a tractor.”

“You don’t get into farming for the money,” he added. “You do it for the love of the game.”


2012-12-18聯合報/G5/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 馮克芸譯 原文參見紐時週報三版右

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