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紐時摘譯:阻止自殺 有勞紐約特警

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Saving People From Themselves

阻止自殺 有勞紐約特警

By Wendy Ruderman


ON a concrete ledge off the upper deck of the George Washington Bridge, more than 60 meters above the Hudson River that November night, the two detectives gingerly approached the despondent man as he contemplated jumping.

The plunge, at a speed of more than 95 kilometers per hour, would surely kill him.

Detectives Marc Nell and Everald Taylor, tethered to the bridge and to their rescue truck, knew to resist the urge to pull the man to safety.

“Tell me your name,” Detective Nell said. “Talk to me.”

It does not always matter what the detectives say. What they are probing for is an opening. A moment of doubt.

“Once you see that light, you see their facial expression change, their body posture change, and you think: ‘Oh, I got them. O.K., they are not going anywhere,’ ” Detective Nell said. In this case, Detectives Nell and Eddie Torres, a third officer who had joined the rescue, did what they call the Grab. They seized the man, pulling him off the ledge.

Each year, the New York Police Department receives hundreds of 911 calls reporting people on bridges and rooftops threatening to jump. So far this year, that number is on track to surpass last year’s total, 519.

The Emergency Service Unit responds to those calls. Its 300 officers are specially trained in suicide rescue, they know just what to say and, perhaps more important, what not to say.

“You wouldn’t want to say, ‘Yeah, things are bad and who knows if they can even get better,’ ” Inspector Robert Lukach, the unit’s executive, said. He continued, “If he says, ‘Oh, I’m having problems with my wife,’ say: ‘Yeah, I have problems with my wife, too.”

The exchanges can go on for hours, and do not always pay off.

On a cold day this past winter, Detective Taylor was talking to a psychiatric patient who had squeezed through a bathroom window at Bellevue Hospital Center. The man clung to the window ledge by his fingers. He told the detective that he could no longer live with the guilt of having killed someone.

“We’re all human beings.” “None of us are perfect,” Detective Taylor said he told him.

“Why don’t you just push me?” the man goaded the detective, who recounted his words.

For nearly three hours, Detective Taylor leaned out a seventh-floor window, talking, buying time, as other officers cut away window glass to create an opening large enough to make a grab. Detective Taylor sensed the man was ready to come in. He was shirtless and cold; he asked for a blanket.

“Fatigue set in,” Detective Taylor said. “He was extending his arms to me, but I couldn’t reach him,” the detective recalled. “At that point, he panicked a little bit, and that’s when he kind of groaned and said, ‘O.K.,’ and he left – fell.”

Detective Taylor, who has worked in emergency services for 12 years, spoke in a low voice. “That was my first failure,” he said. “That was the one and only time that I lost someone I was talking to.”

On building rescues, the reactions of onlookers are as varied as the city’s neighborhoods. In Midtown Manhattan, for instance, pedestrians are more likely to yell, “Jump!” In residential areas, like Harlem or Brooklyn, where the would-be jumper might be a familiar face, residents will provide officers with information about the person. They will cheer officers who make a successful grab, Detective Taylor said.

The Emergency Service Unit is among the most coveted assignments in the Police Department. Officers must pass an interview, an agility test and a swim test. Officers then train for at least six months. They also learn how to extricate a victim from a crushed car and rescue people in swift waters.

Unit officers also take a three-week course to become certified emergency medical technicians and a weeklong emergency psychological course.

Sergeant Anthony Lisi, a squad supervisor, said he stressed to his officers that if a person jumped, it was not their fault. “You don’t want to take that home with you, that you were the cause of someone’s demise, which you were not,” he said.

Detective Nell said he sometimes wondered what happened to those he had helped: Did they get their lives together? Did they try to kill themselves again?

The opportunity to help people, affording them a second chance, feels like a privilege, said Detective Dennis Canale.

Yet there are those who, even after having been rescued, do not seem grateful. Detective Darren McNamara recently dived into the Hudson River to save a suicidal woman. As he grabbed her, she looked at him flatly and said, “Why did you do that?”


2012-11-06聯合報/G5/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 陳世欽譯 原文參見紐時週報十一版右

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