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紐時摘譯:築起綠牆 對抗空氣汙染


To Fight Pollution a Lush Green Wall

築起綠牆 對抗空氣汙染

By Damien Cave


MEXICO CITY – Over a traffic-clogged avenue in a metropolis once infamous for its pollution rises a towering arch of 50,000 plants.

One of three eco-sculptures installed across the city by the nonprofit group VerdMX, the vertical garden is both art and oxygenator. It catches the eye. And it gobbles up the carbon dioxide contributing to high ozone levels.

“The main priority for vertical gardens is to transform the city,” said Fernando Ortiz Monasterio, 30, the architect who designed the sculptures. “It’s a way to intervene in the environment.”

Many cities have green reputations. But in the developing world, where middle classes are growing along with consumption, waste and energy use, Mexico City has become a leader. Pollution measures now place it on roughly the same level as the (also cleaner) air above Los Angeles.

Luisa Molina, a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, says Mexico “is very advanced not just in terms of Latin America, but around the world,” she said. “When I go to China, they all want to hear the story of Mexico.”

Starting in the 1980s, Mexico’s government created mandates that reformulated gasoline, closed or moved toxic factories, and banned most drivers from using their cars one day a week.

Mexico City has added a popular free bicycle loan program and expanded public transportation.

The most optimistic Mexicans rave about citizen-driven efforts like VerdMX. Mexico City has become an incubator for groups that mix corporate financing with new ideas.

Young architects here are looking to revive ancient rivers. Young women are teaching old women how to plant tomatoes between high-rises; artists are turning ocean trash into gorgeous consumer criticism; and a crowd-sourced multimedia campaign for a “Mexico of the Future” includes submissions like “a solar panel on every house” and “respect for flora and fauna.”

VerdMX’s giant green sculptures – part of a broader vertical and roof garden movement – fit right in. In the normal day-to-day commute, however, the gardens show how far Mexico City still has to go.

The most stunning vertical garden hovers over Chapultepec Avenue. But on a recent morning, the plants looked crippled. “The plants are distressed by all the traffic,” said Gabriela Rodríguze, the director of VerdMX.

She said finding the resources and getting the government permissions for the project took years. Nissan, a corporate sponsor, needed to be convinced that it would get the credit it deserved, she said.

“When I would tell people about this, they’d always say: ‘It’s impossible. You’re crazy,’” Mr. Ortiz said.

Some residents are still skeptical. “Sure, it looks nice but what good does it do?” said Rosendo Hernández, 58, a newspaper salesman.

But Riberto Pineda, 17, who washes car windows at the stop light beside the tall garden, said he has grown to love it. “It’s pretty,” he said. “And it’s great for shade.”


2012-04-24聯合報/G9/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 王麗娟譯 原文參見紐時週報七版左

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